NightsTruthblade Mar 6, 2016 Didn't really mention it at the time, but MHX being announced for the west is basically the highlight of the year as far as I'm concerned.
Didn't really mention it at the time, but MHX being announced for the west is basically the highlight of the year as far as I'm concerned.
Kalifox Dec 28, 2015 Konchu konchu, rolling over everything, causing a commotion, cuz they are so awful ~
NightsTruthblade Oct 5, 2015 That settles it. If you like RPGs, you owe it to yourself to play Undertale.
NightsTruthblade Oct 2, 2015 I have bought Undertale, but I don't think I'm emotionally prepared for it. WE'LL JUST HAVE TO SEE WON'T WE
I have bought Undertale, but I don't think I'm emotionally prepared for it. WE'LL JUST HAVE TO SEE WON'T WE
NightsTruthblade Sep 28, 2015 Hope you're all enjoying the lunar eclipse, because the next one is in a loooong time.
NightsTruthblade Sep 23, 2015 In a stroke of irony, listening to A Stroll Through Nostalgia made me incredibly nostalgic. Sadly, EBF4 is too much of a chore to replay.
In a stroke of irony, listening to A Stroll Through Nostalgia made me incredibly nostalgic. Sadly, EBF4 is too much of a chore to replay.
NightsTruthblade Sep 6, 2015 Why does it take me 14 minutes to kill a g-rank barroth but 30 minutes to kill a low rank ceadeus? MH3u, please, I'm trying to love you.
Why does it take me 14 minutes to kill a g-rank barroth but 30 minutes to kill a low rank ceadeus? MH3u, please, I'm trying to love you.
NightsTruthblade Jul 3, 2015 Am I allowed to say I don't think the new dyes look that great? Most of them are either WAY too busy, or they lose their look (continued)
Am I allowed to say I don't think the new dyes look that great? Most of them are either WAY too busy, or they lose their look (continued)
NightsTruthblade Jul 1, 2015 I didn't like the Lunar event until I realized that each Pillar has a strategy you have to use to live.
I didn't like the Lunar event until I realized that each Pillar has a strategy you have to use to live.
It's Satan Incarnate.