Nopezal Jun 27, 2015 This steam guide holy :red: This steam guide holy :red:
Nopezal Jun 16, 2015 Ugggghhh... Nintendo Digital event left me dissapointed. I feel like they could've done a lot more. Also, new Metroid doesn't look too well.
Ugggghhh... Nintendo Digital event left me dissapointed. I feel like they could've done a lot more. Also, new Metroid doesn't look too well.
Nopezal Mar 4, 2015 I'm making a mod for Avalon!
I'm making a mod for Avalon!
Nopezal Feb 12, 2015 I'm so done: This was a commercial that popped up on a video.
I'm so done: This was a commercial that popped up on a video.
Nopezal Jan 12, 2015 Januari: The month were I hope NOT to be sick, but Mother Nature is a douche and makes me sick all the time.
Januari: The month were I hope NOT to be sick, but Mother Nature is a douche and makes me sick all the time.
Nopezal Dec 5, 2014 Back from the dead. Atleast it was a pretty awesome death. Thanks, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire!