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  • Myopia is currently a serious population affecting nearly one third of the ENTIRE world.
    It's clear to say that sometime in the future, they'll probably develop eye drops that reduce the effects of nearsightedness overnight.
    And maybe in the future, there will be computers that reverse myopia.
    Last night I woke up at one in the morn' one hour after I felt asleep and it felt like three hours afterwards because I dreamt. Then, I woke up at six after what felt like thirty minutes, and I forgot about my dream immediately after I woke up.

    Time perception once you're unconscious is weird.
    Games with a large fanbase with have these types of people:
    "I originally loved the game, but the community sucks so I now hate the game."
    Separate the product from the costumers, guys!
    Evil Ghost Lady
    Evil Ghost Lady
    I've actually had a similar experience to what your talking about.
    Basically I hated the Undertale fanbase so much that I never talked about Undertale just because I want to avoid the fanbase.
    I still like Undertale, I just want to avoid the fanbase as much as possible.
    I love seeing those types of people who say "I disagree, but respect your opinion." These people, even with a certain opinion, can understand why the other side thinks a certain way. Oh! Even better... "I disagree, but I respect and understand your opinion."

    Everyone can have an opinion, and those who go by this mindset, should live a good life.
    My motivation to sprite is REALLY low right now. I'm having another one of those "depressed" moments where I just feel so bored that not even online entertainment can solve my problems.
    Here's what I have so far of the texture pack that I am working on.
    Screenshot 2021-04-24 190927.png
    Yeah, my new RP is dead already.
    Anyhoo, my foot is much better now... kind of. It still has a cut that bleeds. Kind of weird how it doesn't hurt that much.
    Last night I cut my feet with the sharp edge of a drawer handle. It bled so much, that I'm pretty sure double the blood of an average bloody nose came out of that foot.
    I can describe the situation like getting stabbed with a pencil by a Spartan Warrior.
    I'm learning about how computers use binary and what Bytes are, now I know the significance of the numbers -32768, 65535, and 255.
    I'm expecting Terraria 1.4.3 to be released by the end of the year.
    And then Terraria 1.4.4
    And then Terraria 1.4.5
    And then the Cycle continues with another content update that will be deemed "the final update."
    But that's probably not true, considering the monthly state of the games.
    The Finite and the Infinite can't exist at the same time, yet somehow, they do? The only answer I can give to life is that the universe, life, and consciousness was just created because Jibblejabblewobbledoodleree.

    Anyways, it's about time I end my existential crisis.
    Oh yeah, and when you die, three things happen.
    Eternal Oblivion.
    Everlasting Life.
    All are scary, and give me anxiety, but then again, I've only lived a small percentage of my life, so who am I to judge?
    It's certainely not Simple
    Just try to think of nothingness, like, pure nothingness, not just a black void because that is something. ACTUAL nothingness...

    That's why death scares me.
    What to do when you feel a strong emotion but you don't even know why you feel it?
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    Reactions: sillybunneh
    I have to deal with that myself, and I have no idea what to do about it.
    Wow, that must be terrible then. What I felt yesterday night, doctor Google would consider that a sign of depression, because Google likes to diagnose everyone with dead.
    that's not easy to do, but i try to find somewhere i can quiet down and be alone for a while, generally out in the garden. then just let my thoughts flow and try to figure out what it is i'm feeling (sometimes i don't even know). after a while i'll figure it out, but gotta be brutally honest with myself. it gets easier with practise.
    Insects give a lot of nutrients, try fried cockroaches someday if you will, I can't because I don't have cockroaches nearby.
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