The Oncoming Storm

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  • Two blood moons in a row. Second one is on a full moon. In Hardmode. Been looking for a black lens for days, now have two of them. Wow!
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    Matt (DailyHop)
    Matt (DailyHop)
    I once had 2 eclipses and 2 blood moons in a row during the same time period.
    That truly is amazing luck you guys have. That never happens to me!! I would love more eclipses so I can get more Broken Hero Swords!
    I love the eerie feeling I get when I see Plantera's bulb for the first time in a new world. The glow is just so unexplainable...
    I have all Biome chest weapons for a Crimson world. I feel accomplished!!!
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    I can't even get crimson, oh, by the way, your technique on defeating the Destroyer worked, unfortunately, for some reason he didn't drop hallowed bars, oh wait, i just remembered that there are no hallowed bars in Mobile you combine weapons. Yay! I can still make Hallowed armor.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    Good for you!
    Just had 3 friend over for boss fights. I got a rainbow rod. It seems very OP.
    While you were gone from dragon quest i became a trusted member and gained an obsidian dragon.
    Dragon Quest is fun so far. Glad that i looked at the social forums you were on.
    The Hobbit comes out December 17th. I will join. But first i need to do my Latin schoolwork. Are you done with school for the day? Because i'm home-schooled an that is why i am almost done, because it is 10:41 AM here.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    I'm out of school sick. For the past week. But I will be going back to my school tomorrow! It's about 11:45 here. The Hobbit!!!!!!!!!! Is awesome!
    Oh, i forgot you were sick. I don't get out of school when i am sick, but it doesn't really matter because i finish early.
    What is your favorite mobile weapon that you own?
    I tried 2 days ago, and lost because i teleported back with my magic mirror and it despawned.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    You should try again near your spawn. Who cares if a few NPCs die? Plus every time you die you can get healed by the nurse, if you have any money left ;)
    Good idea, tomorrow i am going to try again, got my ironskin potion, magic power potion, magic regeneration potion, and my regeneration potion.
    I need a solar eclipse in my world! I have the Nights Edge and Excalibur and I beat all three mech bosses. I want my Terrablade!!!
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    I have a large arena with water candles, lava, and spiky ball traps. I will kill enough annoying Swap Things and whatever else to get 3 Terra blades!!! Plus I know I won't get the Death Sickle. I've been hunting that thing for months...
    Terra B Welch
    Terra B Welch
    RNG is the king of trolls, GL anyway. :p
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    I got an eclipse! I got an Eye Spring, a Broken Bat Wing, some banners, and a Broken Hero Sword. Not bad...
    I'm mad. I've been having issues with my stomach for the last week! It started on my Birthday!! Why won't it just go away!?!?!?
    Your stomach is making you feel sick and making you feel sick and when you feel sick you are make a long story are basically turning into a guinea pig.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    Guinea pigs are evil... Not really, I think think they're cool. And fluffy...
    Some are evil ;)
    Hi, i'm just posting on your wall. sup' ?
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    Nothin much. I just killed the Destroyer in about 15 seconds on a first try. What's going on with you?
    Kind of the same, I just started a new character and a new world, trying to go as fast a I can, btw like your Doctor Who referencing username.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    Thank you!
    What is a roleplay game? I am trying to join the Dragon Quest roleplay and i am wondering how it works.
    The Oncoming Storm
    The Oncoming Storm
    You make your character and you follow the story. In Dragon Quest, we get a beginning dragon and a weapon and we get to decide how we look. We fight or train or whatever. In DQ I am a grim reaper like person with a dark dragon.
    Good, i think i will be a dark dragon too. I like Shadow Dragons from the Dragonlance Saga.
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