Vinnoe Oct 16, 2018 For once I've actually been playing modded Terraria. Let's just say that even horror games don't make me scream in terror.
For once I've actually been playing modded Terraria. Let's just say that even horror games don't make me scream in terror.
Vinnoe Aug 21, 2018 The practice of capitalizing every word in a sentence Kind Of Like This needs to be forever banished to the Shadow Realm.
The practice of capitalizing every word in a sentence Kind Of Like This needs to be forever banished to the Shadow Realm.
Vinnoe Jul 31, 2018 Blood for the blood god! Skulls for the skull throne! Milk for the Khorne flakes!
Vinnoe Jul 3, 2018 Hate not having anyone to play SC2 with. Co-op missions are fun to me, but nobody I know plays the game much.
Hate not having anyone to play SC2 with. Co-op missions are fun to me, but nobody I know plays the game much.