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    But I've been trying to get back into making music for the 1000th time recently with some success. Problem is that I don't have any ideas for songs. I rely on other people to tell me what to make.

    If you have a small mod that needs a musician and you don't really care about skillsets, feel free to message me on Discord (@yo_its_xeno) and I'll be happy to give it a shot.
    I can't seem to decide what the hell to do with my life anymore. Every time I want to commit to a big project I lose motivation for it after just a few days.
    Terrestrial Mod? Gone.
    Desolation? Deleted.
    Nothing feels fun to me anymore.
    sees date of last status post

    i can (possibly) explain. Maybe not.
    Perhaps i just got a bit bored of the game. Anyways-

    I'm trying to get back into spriting, and possibly my incredibly horrible music. Please dont wish me luck on the second one. do not sacrifice your ears.
    oh yeah happy birthday Terraria :D
    Damn it's been a while. I just haven't been interested in the game for a while, though I have been getting a little more involved with my friend's mod. Maybe I'll try to make another mod... again... despite killing off Terrestrial Mod a week ago.
    If there's anything I learned from the last decade, it's to take what sticks and put it together in a project you're confident in releasing! `:)
    I return... again. Terrestrial Mod was put on hold a couple weeks back, since I'm focusing on a solo project, along with just getting through school.
    Anyways, Happy Holidays to everyone! I'll try to keep you guys updated on my situation, but if you can't tell, I'm not very active here anymore.
    Along with the things listed above, I've also moved on from the name KingJacob(101), which I've had since I was 7. It just sounds childish to me now and I don't like it as much anymore. Starting now, I'm known as Xeno/Xeno99. I'll be updating my info as soon as possible.
    I don't know when I'll return to the forums again, but it'll happen eventually. See ya!
    Hey guys, just dropping a quick update for those who were wondering where I went.
    I've just been trying to get through life. I'm doing just fine, don't worry. I've also mostly moved on from the game and onto other things. Mainly composing music, usually for other mods, but I also do my own things.
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