= "nice", "cool", etc. (in general); "i acknowledge your answer" (for question posts and whatnot)
= "this is really good" (in general); "YEEEEESSSSS I WANT THIS SO MUCH" (suggestions); "SAME, DUDE, SAAAAAMMMEEE" (for relatable stuff); "actually fr"/"you have a very good point" (for answers on question posts and stuff)
= " this is funny"... duh (in general)
= "oof/sorry for your loss/i lack the empathy to properly do anything in this situation so this is the best you'll get, sorry" or similar sad stuff...duh (in general)
= "this makes me mad"...duh (in general); "AMONG US/SKIBIDI TOILET IS NOT FUNNY"
= "yoo nice, gj dude"...should be fairly explanatory (in general)
= "ayooo what the hell" (in general — rarely used)
" (the usual ironic/satirical internet shenanigans — i use it exactly the same way as the skull emoji)
= i don't use it, idek what it's supposed to be used for
= for memes relating to boulders... duh
= i don't use it
= i don't use it