Weapons & Equip the item "g*psy robe" has a racial slur in it.

Except we're not talking about a person here. We are talking about an item that has nothing to do with the Rromani people.

Everybody has nicknames they hate, sure. And yes, you shouldn't use them because that's just rude.

But to single out a word that has meanings that have nothing to do with the Rromani people and insist that nobody use it for any reason, to refer to anything at all, seems a bit ridiculous to me, especially when such a large portion of the English-speaking world probably have no idea what the word means in that context and are only familiar with the common context.

And to be honest, I have never seen a depiction of "gypsies" that were thieves, that played violins, or even had bandanas or golden hoops in their ears. Well, ok maybe I have seen the earrings, but I thought nothing of them. Usually, you see them with a turban and a crystal ball, and a colorful dress, which hardly seems offensive to me. *shrug*

Now, I would agree that nobody should point at a person, especially not a Rromani one, and call them a gypsy. Obviously you shouldn't do that. But to ban all uses of the word in all contexts in all media in the entire world is just.... I can't wrap my head around it. I'm sorry. I just don't agree.

PFP? Not sure what that is.
PFP is Profile Picture
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