Items A pre-hardmode drill should be added


So here's my idea:
A new drill type could be added somewhere in pre-hardmode. There's many possibilities for where and when you could obtain it, but an idea I have would be that you can occasionally find it in shadow chests.
A possible name for this drill could be the Rax, and it's description could possibly be "Not to be confused with the drax"
Although I don't have any concept art for this idea, it would essentially have the same general look as other hell items you can find in shadow chests.

Regardless, there should be a pre-hardmode drill of some sort. We already have pre-hardmode wings, so why can't we have a prehardmode drill?
So here's my idea:
A new drill type could be added somewhere in pre-hardmode. There's many possibilities for where and when you could obtain it, but an idea I have would be that you can occasionally find it in shadow chests.
A possible name for this drill could be the Rax, and it's description could possibly be "Not to be confused with the drax"
Although I don't have any concept art for this idea, it would essentially have the same general look as other hell items you can find in shadow chests.

Regardless, there should be a pre-hardmode drill of some sort. We already have pre-hardmode wings, so why can't we have a prehardmode drill?
Yep I have the same idea made a concept sheet for it

The Rax
“Not to be confused with the drax”
100% pickaxe power
A purple orange horned drill that leaves behind fire particles when digging
Obtained from a shadow chest 1/10
But why? What's the benefit of a pre-Hardmode drill? You don't have any reason to upgrade from the Hellstone Pickaxe, and drills are almost universally worse than pickaxes.
I guess it would just be neat. Also, it might be more of an alternative to the Hellstone Pickaxe in the way the Reaver Shark might've been, given that both the Hellstone Pickaxe and this drill would be obtained in the same biome.
They are directly worse. Terrasteel has a video on it.
Drills are unconstrained by use time so if you have an autoclicker they’re faster. However that’s not something that 99% of players will ever use and third party tools are not a basis for balance.
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