Terraria Community Forums

-> has gotten to the Light House and beaten Skolas >.>
TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
You may not think it's hard, but you don't know what it's like for me.
I have satellite internet, thus I have no matchmaking.
I have no friends on PSN who will dare help me, meaning I have to solo EVERYTHING.
As if that isn't enough, I am rarely ever allowed/able to get on, meaning I never get to improve my skill whatsoever.
Oh, they were hard as HELL. Don't get me wrong. Took me 3 passages to get it right, and 30 wipes to kill Skolas.

Yikes for the other two, those are some pretty terrible circumstances sir, sorry to hear that :(
Cyrus the Cold
Cyrus the Cold
suck it up, you don't know the horror of the Akantor, Rajang, Deviljho, or Teostra. YOU DON'T KNOW TRUE PAIN!
TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
Actually, I did suck it up, albeit a long time ago. Got myself Fourth Horseman and Her Right Hand...a long time ago.
That Fourth Horseman any good?

I'm a Xbox peasant, I do not get to enjoy the pleasures of Hawkmoon or that :p
TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
Dude, 4th Horseman is one of the best shotguns in the game! It can kill Zydron in a single hit!
Wow, and I thought Invective was an effective boss killer 0_o. Nice find!
TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
Hilarious thing is, my brother has every exotic except 4th horseman. He had it at one point, but lost it due to a glitch, so this was VERY taunting for him.
Also my Her Right Hand is a beast.
Her Right Hand is impressive. It goes up there with other HC's like Red Hand IX and Jewel of Osiris.

I got Ill Will in a Crucible match today. It nearly 2 shots people, as it does 97 damage per headshot with Armor Piercing rounds. Too bad its only good stat is impact Lol. I got Luck in the Chamber to try and compensate.
New Trials gear though. You gotta get it. The Scout rifle and Pulse rifle are just way too powerful. Pulse Rifle can have almost max stability, does as much damage as Red Death, if not more. The scout rifle can 3 - shot people.
TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
Aw man, I never get to do crucible! :p

I just don't have the armor/skill for it...
But, whenever I do finally get to go into it, you can expect to see me run in like Leeroy Jenkins.
Cyrus the Cold
Cyrus the Cold
Monster hunter: our bosses are tougher, and their rare drops are just a small piece of the good weapons.
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