Terraria Community Forums

Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I can't do this. I can't take this. It's too much.
You can make it through whatever you're going through. I know you can.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I have so many questions I want to ask.

Why do I feel as passionate as I do for something that appears to be nought but a character from a video game?

Why do I relate to him as much as I do?

Why? Just... why?
The connection.
Lots of people have similar feelings towards such characters.
Because we all relate to things on a deeper level because we possibly have gone through the exact same emotions, just caused by different things. Asgore was just trying to help and it all fell down around him because of it. Clearly something happened in your life where you lent your trust to someone and they betrayed you.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I understand this, Xeno, but this bond I see between myself and him... I feel it transcends the dimensions of reality.
That is why we relate to fictional characters, they either represent parts, or a whole, of who we are as people.
Perhaps it does. It's possible, I suppose.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
However, the sheer fact that I am left speechless horrifies me. What afflicts me so, that makes me unable to express myself in a coherent manner? The English language itself fails to comprehend, let alone describe such a feeling, one so primal, so deep-rooted, that it transcends even basic understanding.
Often, that is how strong emotions are.
Because of the fact that memories of deep emotions are very hard to describe. Words simply cannot describe what people are feeling in extreme emotional moments. Besides, that feeling I have had numerous times before, be it incredible, or fascinating, it is a basic feeling. And it comes from your mind. Your mind that has memories deep rooted into it.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I'm disoriented, my mind is spinning, ... There's too much to handle, let alone take in.
Maybe you should rest. Watch a nice movie, or read a nice book.
Try to keep your mind off it, if it's too much for right now.
And that, is the feeling of Deja Vu, feeling like you have seen something before, but you cannot recall it. Those extreme emotions are your Deja Vu, and that's why you can't take it. Being so extreme and primal in nature, means your mind is trying desperately to figure out the cause. But it cannot find one, nor will it.
I'm not a doctor tho, so take that as you will. Just what I see.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
...perhaps that would be wise... perhaps you are right.
My mind is weary, and I grow increasingly light-headed.
Just lie down. Rest. Don't let your mind wander too much.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
...Eugh. This is all very unbefitting of me. :sigh:
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
I apologise in advance for any discomfort or inconvenience my inane ramblings may have caused.

It's... rare that I've felt so strongly about something.
It's fine, just try to keep yourself intact.
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