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At this point id like to say, while Trump has gone bankrupt 4 times, he had dozens of succesful companies. Getting bankrupt is just a thing that happens sometimes in business.
Like I said, the guy isn't perfect and bankruptcy... well, that's a common thing these days, isn't it? What, with the economy being all crappy and all. Obama likes to toot his horn, but ask yourself, did the economy actually get any better whatsoever under his leadership? Absolutely not. It got worse. We can't take another 4 years of "Obama".
Not saying that i think Trump is a good canidate... but... americanpolitics.jpg if you get what i mean?
So that leaves Hillary out. Put Cruz in there and you'll just get a special interest mouthpiece who kowtows to Wall Street who is bought and paid for, like everybody before him. And again, we'll just have 4 years of a spineless wimp in the White House who doesn't do squat.
That leaves Trump. At least with Trump, there's a hope that something might change. That's better than 4 more years of Wall Street running the government.
Red H2O
May I direct you to any statistics easily found on the internet. Obama, while not doing a perfect job, has managed to un-:red: America after Bush re-:red:ed us, to use the proper terminology. And whatever change Trump can bring can't be good. I, for one, like America being a diverse place, and would rather not life in the Attack on Titan universe.
That's funny... "not doing a perfect job"... yeah that's why factories are closing shop and moving to Mexico, haha. That's why you see abandoned factories everywhere in the US. And Obamacare is pushing medical insurance providers out of business and you have top analysts saying that it WILL fail soon.
And while im here, ill just say that all of the canidates are :red:. As were they in the previous times. Americans really really need a better system, this 2 party systems issues begin with Conseratives being for things that liberals support = Impossible (and vice vesa) over rounding off votes (so unless you live in a swing state you might as well not vote at all) to just simply not accomating to different viewpoints-
And we're giving Iran $150B to develop weapons they will turn on Israel and us and/or to fund ISIS terrorists, we're giving China money, we're giving money to Mexico... but our roads and streets are falling apart, there are potholes on highways here in PA, for example. We can't afford to repair our infrastructure, but yet we're throwing money at everybody else.
Red H2O
Quick question: why is it that republicans always try to defend companies? If you give a company an inch, they will take a mile, then pave over that mile and make a line of Walmarts. They don't care about you, and putting life insurance of all things in their hands is akin to prolonged suicide.
Trump isn't defending companies. He's saying to heftily punish companies for laying people off in the US to move their factories abroad. He wants to get rid of Obamacare because it is sapping us dry. And if Obamacare keeps putting companies out of business, pretty soon we'll have almost no choice of who to get our insurance from.
Red H2O
Fun Fact: the world is :red: and good people don't have a lot of money sometimes. And while I may not be good, I don't have a lot of money also. Coming from a family that relies on medicare and "Obamacare", as people call it (I prefer the term 'nationalized healthcare'), let me tell you that things would be much worse without it around. Or should the poor and underprivileged just "work harder"?
As for gov healthcare bankrupting private healthcare, please look at other countries and as yourself why those countries provide healthcare, but still have private healthcare providers.
2 class system. Gov healthcare... well, gets you healthy. Private... does it a lot better/faster and more comfortably.
Hey, I'm right there with you, dude. I make $11k a year. I -had- a low-cost (at first it was low cost....) health insurance pre-Obamacare. It was $150-180 per month, $0 out of pocket and 10/15/20 copay. After Obamacare came out, they canceled it becuase it did not "meet Obamacare standards" because it didn't have maternity, eye and dental (three things I don't care about and don't need). (cont)
So, I lost my health insurance. I looked up on the Marketplace... Bronze was like $180 per month, with $6k out of pocket and $50 copay. I'm like ".....this is more affordable? LOL" Silver was like $250 or something like that, with $5k out of pocket and $20-30 copays. I'm just shaking my head. I wound up filing for Hardship exemption. Well, this year I got fined $330 because I didn't qualify for hardship.
But yet I couldn't justify paying that much money for something that was useless to me anyways. $6k out of pocket is basically me going bankrupt.
Red H2O
So, because you don't get what you want, :red: the rest of the human race? Good. Great. Excellent. I think we're done here.
I'm just explaining that I'm basically in the same low-income class you are, and my situation was even worse than yours, lol. You're trying to draw pity by playing the low-income card, and it turns out that lower income got *screwed* by Obamacare in the first place.
Instead of Obamacare they just needed to extend Medicaid and make it easier to get, because Medicaid pre-Obamacare was nearly impossible to get for most people. The restrictions are just ridiculous, that it is entirely impractical and a lot of states back then wouldn't even support it.
wow i really regret mentioning a us president
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