Terraria Community Forums

Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
A nice break in the middle of things.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
@Aesir There is hope for you yet, Young skywalker.
The Kitsune
The Kitsune
ShallI make the conversation even more lively by tagging lively people?
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Why though?
We will probably tag someone better left out of this.
Someone will take it the wrong way.
Reputations are hard to kill. I dislike my reputation as an edgelord, but I'm starting to become used to it, since it's unlikely it dies off.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
I probably got a rep for being silly.
I have no regrets, since it makes people happy.

EDIT: Holy poop I just realised that rhymed. I don't even have to try kek.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Well, glad we could finish on a more pleasant note.
The Kitsune
The Kitsune
I'm known for....uh....... @XenoCat WHAT AM I KNOWN FOR
I always thought of you as a wise person, Qui. True, you may speak silly at times, but your wisdom shouldn't rely on your wording. That's what tells a philosopher apart from a sophist.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
On a final note: All of you here have issues that drive your most darkest desires or even your darkest hours, but when you see a person genuinely complaining of their sins, instead of butting in and admonishing them stop and think: Is it not worth it to stop and help them up, brush them down and wave them a good day?
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Shh, you'll give it away, Aesir.

And I agree, Qui. It's what I was alluding to earlier in this little debate.
Give what away, Crocket? Anyways, I agree with your thought, Qui, but trying to make someone happier takes more effort than to just telling them "kys" which is why bad people will indulge in their bad behaviour, because it's easier. They don't want to make others feel good, they want people to feel bad. They'll bring up any justification to their behaviour, despite nothing justifying it.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
It's not an insta-cure, but sometimes the only thing that can stop some poor sod from offing himself is one act of altruism to ease their mental scars.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
After all, sometimes the littlest things truly matter.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
You heard it here first, folks. Qui is compensating for something.
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
And may I point out that Crocket might be compensating for something too, with that big brain of his.
You can't get something for nothing.
It proabably explains why he has to play "find the banana" in the shower.
Commander Crocket
Commander Crocket
Top banter. :D
Infinity Mage
Infinity Mage
the maturity level
Qui Devorat
Qui Devorat
Like I said beforehand, the term mature is a concept no one alive can fully embody.
No matter how much you hide it, there's always at least a scrap of childishness behind it all.
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