Terraria Community Forums

TTSp00k the Invincible
TTSp00k the Invincible
Can I have 1 plz?
My parents won't be able to run me by Gamestop anytime soon.
theclownfish II
theclownfish II
i already got mine
Then why the :red: are you commenting on this?
Erienna Nakagai
Erienna Nakagai
I already got a diancie, but just saying, x and y totally made my hype for any pokemon game, even ORAS, drop by like 2000%
theclownfish II
theclownfish II
incase you were going to ask me which had a slight chance

also why did you say it so rudely
Erienna Nakagai
Erienna Nakagai
If you're talking about me, I just really, really don't like x and y. I can name three problems off the top of my head right now. 1. It's too easy 2. No post-game pretty much 3. Least pokemon introduced in a generation: 69 (72 with events)
theclownfish II
theclownfish II
no it wasnt you and i clearly see its your opinion. its matsu himself that said something
clownfish: That came off less angry in my head, I appologize. I assumed since you already had one you wouldn't want a code, if you do though let me know.

AwesomeNinja: I respect you opinion about gen 6 but, I disagree with your post-game point. You could do the Looker missions, get a legendary bird and, go to a special postgame only town.
theclownfish II
theclownfish II
its fine ill forgive you. i just picked it up as pretty rude is all
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