Terraria Community Forums

Find a hiding place and make extensive use of the Chlorophyte Partisan.
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
Not that far yet don't have Clorophyte
Build a volcano with lava at the bottom, hammer fhe sides to slopes, hide under volcano, pirates fall in and die easy, only problem would be the dutchman. And one block over the sides so parrots fall in.
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
Too late I dine it already
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
Lol more typos
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
I died a lot
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
Next I will just spam grenades at them
I mean hiding in a box with a nimbus rod or summons worked for me my first time
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
Oh cool I have nimbus rod I can use that
Throw a Yo-Yo out of a 1 block gap, the EoC or the yoyo from the HM dungeon both work well. Just make sure the gap isn't in line of sight of you or they might still be able to shoot at you.
Drake katchadorian
Drake katchadorian
I'm on 3ds and yo-yos are not on 3ds
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