Terraria Community Forums

But this is a brilliant idea. Get rid of the EBT cards and send food boxes to help feed the people. The reason I think this is an awesome idea, is because I work in a grocery store. I see the rampant and ridiculous abuse of EBT cards. Buying junk food, pepsi, or even selling the foodstamp money to someone else so that they can use the cash to buy booze, cigs, drugs, etc. (cont)
So yeah. Awesome idea! It just might help fight the obesity index just a little if people on those cards are forced to eat food that's not junk food. Might not be fillet mignon, but yet it's healthier than snack foods, icecream and soda. I've seen LOTS of morbidly obese people with foodstamp cards and I've always thought that the system just needs to change. The government shouldn't be paying for that.
And of course... eh, I'm not racist, but the video featured a black woman going "F--- Trump! He expects us to eat this!? Look at this s---!" and I'm looking at the trays of food that looks better than TV dinners you'd find on store shelves and I'm like "so... what's the problem? You can't "buy" premium cut meats or junk food now?"
Except the logistics behind that is a nightmare, let alone the cost of sending food. That's the main issue, Trump has no sense of costs.
He is a billionaire though, so I'd figure he has at least a little sense of costs.
Trump's wall is already a good example of how he isn't. His estimate is around half the expected cost, and that's not even taking into account maintenance costs, or building roads to get the materials there. Sure, and Mexico will pay for it.
Well, yes, sending food boxes would have extra costs, but you know what? Maybe the lack of people abusing EBT might mean that they could spend less money on the EBT system itself. (cont)
Let's say for example, a family has $500/mo worth of EBT per month and they use, I don't know $200 of that per month on soda and junk food. Maybe under this new system, they could send only $400 per month with the food boxes. Said family gets less junk food, more real food, and you'd spend $100 less (which would be used in the shipping/packaging costs).
Obviously hypothetical numbers, but you get the idea. It could work out in the end run, depending. I know that there's quite a lot of corruption in the EBT system, lots of people abusing it. Who knows, maybe they could save money doing it this way?
Also, not only is there corruption, but there's also the fact that a lot of EBT Card money goes into buying name-brands because people are picky or not very wise with their purchases. These food boxes have generic no brand name very minimal packaging and looks rather cheap to manufacture and ship.
You're not paying for fancy boxes or brand labels, which makes this food cheaper than the stuff the EBT Card holders would be buying off store shelves. Now, maybe instead of spending money for shipping food boxes they could, I don't know, open special EBT stores where customers are ONLY permitted to use the cards there and nowhere else and have a mix of the two systems maybe?
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