Terraria Community Forums

Animus Viral
Animus Viral
Oh noes.
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
You are aware what TF means as well?
Animus Viral
Animus Viral
Obviously, we talked about permtf before, and especially since Halt uses tf quite a lot.
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Oh yeah, forgot.
Although this may be a weird time to say this, I think I have micro/macrophilia.
Animus Viral
Animus Viral
...Yeah this is a weird time to say that, Uh...
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Sorry, Maybe that could have waited for later. but I would have never done it if I did it later, so...
Animus Viral
Animus Viral
Welp. Life, I guess? Anyways, anything else you want to dump here for some reason or are we done?
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
That's it, you can resume your daily life. Sorry for the... awkward moment.
Animus Viral
Animus Viral
Eh, don't worry, I have much more awkward stuff in my life that I probably can't count.
Ah, found the transformation sequence videos, huh?
....Yeah, I agree, YouTube's transformation sequence library's pretty bad, not even as a "I'm seriously out of options and I'm getting desperate" option.
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
You are saying there are better websites for this kind of stuff?
I assume I don't want to know what that is.
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Then come back when you are ready to go on... that side of the internet.
Mr. AL
Mr. AL
I remember making that same mistake
Mr. AL
Mr. AL
A man never forgets such horrors
Diamond the Piplup Ω
Diamond the Piplup Ω
and how did that end up for you?
Mr. AL
Mr. AL
What do you mean?
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