Terraria Community Forums

Cheese sticks
Cheese sticks
Lol I still got like 50 idiots to deal with
Cactato64 ᘯ
Cactato64 ᘯ
You just summed up my general life, Derpling
I work as part of my school's tech team and they still make us come in and hand out computers, chargers, and iPads to everyone. Yay. We all get COVID-19...
Same here, except that the idiots are more idiotic.
Cheese sticks
Cheese sticks
Now I meat these idiots in vid classes
Cactato64 ᘯ
Cactato64 ᘯ
Well, at least I can't be bullied either. Same applies. (Yes I'm the bullied outcast kid.)
Cheese sticks
Cheese sticks
I was like that last year
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