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  1. V

    Resolved [PS4] Crafting...

    I don’t care if it is how PC Terraria was “designed” to work... it still blows when compared to the previous console editions. This is something Re-Logic needs to re-consider their thinking on. In a game where crafting is such a central thing, then why have a non-intuitive, limited...
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    Xbox One Inventory Menu Issues

    Yep the new UI is garbage. I cannot believe someone thought this was a good idea.
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    PS4 1.3 is terrible on PS4

    The d-pad setting is very non-intuitive. What button is the white circle filled with white, and the white circle filled with black? The PS4 controller has no such buttons. Only the original XBOX controller had buttons like that! Also how do you cange the translucency of the inventory and...
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    Official Console 1.3 Update Feedback Thread

    I find the inventory UI very hard to read due to being quite translucent. My base has lots of torches and sharp colors making the crafting, item chest, and inventory displays extremely difficult to discern. I really miss the old UI which was basically perfect! When will the old UI return so...
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    Official Terraria 1.3 Status Update: Mobile & Switch

    Looks good. Can we please get a similar UI upgrade for console? The current inventory screen is translucent and very hard to read on the screen.
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    Resolved [PS4] Crafting menu question

    Yep... the new UI of the whole game is terrible compared to what it was. I cannot believe anyone playtested this and approved it. You can’t see anything due to how small and translucent all the crafting and inventory UI is. Just shameful, the lack of effort put in.
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    Resolved [PS4] Terraria v1.3 PS4 - How do I know what I can craft?

    I honestly don’t care what Re-Logic “intended.” The PC version’s UI is optimized for playing on a PC. The console version’s UI formerly was optimized for playing on console. But now. it no longer is. This makes playing PS4 version on Vita or iPhone via remote play not feasible since everything...
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    PS4 1.3 is terrible on PS4

    How do you do the dpad hotkeys? How do you see a single screen for each category instead of the whole screen being cluttered?
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    PS4 1.3 is terrible on PS4

    Well, I deleted Terraria. I so disguested and off-put by this 1.3 downgrade. Hopefully someday you fix it and deliver a worthy successor to the previous version. Whoever made this one should be fired.
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    PS4 1.3 is terrible on PS4

    Guys. Please put the UI back like it was. Make the gameplay like it was. Add back all the features you removed. Maybe there are new enemies and crafting items, but losing the old UI was not worth it. This new UI is absolute garbage. We lost some really nice inventory management features, like...
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    Terraria Bad Ideas

    Why did 1.3 destroy the PS4 version’s UI? We lost soooo many good features. I’m not gonna rage quit... just gonna sad quit.
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    Resolved [PS4] Terraria v1.3 PS4 - How do I know what I can craft?

    That may be, but it still sucks. The user interface of the PS4 version prior to 1.3 was VASTLY SUPERIOR. Please for the love of God, roll back these horrible changes, and give us back the wonderful UI as it was in prior versions. Just because the PC version has a terrible UI does not mean that...
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    Resolved [PS4] Crafting menu question

    I am playing the 1.3 PS4 version from remote with Remote Play on my Vita. Many problems. First of all, the new inventory menu screen (which combines crafting, outfits, and inventory into one screen) is simply awful. Everything is super tiny and impossible to read. What were you guys...
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