PC 1.3 Achievement Suggestions!

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Boss of Bosses: Kill all Mech bosses without using any potions.
Addicted to Mushrooms: Get full stacks of all type of mushrooms.
Speed Freak: Kill a boss in under 1 minute.
Destroyer of Worlds : Mine All the World!!!!!!
WIIILLLSSSOOONN!!!! : Keep the Beach ball in the air for 5 seconds.
Lihzahrd Miner : Obtain the Picksaw.
Cruel Being! : Kill 100 critters.
Pigs can fly! : Stay in the air for 35 seconds.
Me Wuv Wainbows :
Kill a rainbow slime using the rainbow gun while the rainbow slime is on a rainbow block.

Decorator : Place 200 furniture.
Fisherman :Fish 50 fishes
Heaven : Find a floating island.
Pot Wrecker : Wear the Hero costume and wreck 25 pots.
Money-wise: Buy items 5 times with the discount card.
Healthy: Have 500 health.
Wise words: Place 10 signs with text.
Landlubber: Defeat Duke fishron with the pirate costume.
The Sacred Sword: Craft the Terra Blade.
Unpleasant bones : Unlock Hardmode Dungeon
Starter's Curse: Die 100 times.
Boom!!! : Throw grenades 35 times.
Slow but Steady : Craft the fullset of Turtle Armor.
Phantom Wizard: Craft the fullset of Spectre Armor (Including the hood and mask)
Gravity Guy : Flip 200 times while the Gravity potion is in effect.
Pipe Hero : Use the Flower of Fire while wearing he plumber's outfit.
S.W.A.T : Use the tactical shotgun with the tactical mask.
Cheater! : Obtain Steampunk wings.
Meteor Havoc : A meteorite has landed.
Blood Moon : Blood Moon.
Those Vampires! : Kill a vampire using stake launcher.
Peace at last : Die at hardcore mode.(Can be used with a new character)
My partner: Get a pet and use it.
Cool ride! : Use a mount
Adventure!!! : Use a Minecart.
Break a leg! : Take fall damage.
Eco-Friendly : Plant a tree.
Hunter: Kill 500 enemies.
Undead : Kill a zombie.

Too tired to type anymore! lol

Also,I'll edit this to put everyone's ideas into one comment.
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LEEROY JENKINS!!!!!! : Run into the dungeon and trigger dungeon guardians.
Mary Poppins : Float down 1000 blocks using the umbrella.
I will show you the world! : Travel 10000 blocks using the magic carpet.
Crazed Rave : Summon all mechanical bosses and normal bosses at once.
Chances are this will not be herd BUT. I just wanted to point out that as an achievement system the by far best i personally have ever experienced in a game is the Guild Wars 2 system. The Minecraft system although good was way too small.

You get achievements for finding secrets/Easter eggs which reward a large amount of "points" but more importantly small thing's like collecting junk or standing in the lowest point in the world which would reward just a few "point's".

Having loads of achievements which reward a small amount of point's builds up point's on a character and when certain amounts of point's are reached the player is rewarded with unique items.

thanks for reading :)
I like zero-point achievements for mishaps that don't happen very often to the player, as a reminder of adventures gone by, and to be cautious.

Break a Leg - Take damage from falling.
Depression Quest - Take fatal damage from falling.
Not-so-sure footed - Take damage from a dart trap.
Raiders of the Flat Newb - Take damage from a rolling boulder.
Twinkle Toes - Take damage from an explosive trap.
Get a Bigger Boat - Take damage from a shark.
Fire, Bad! - Take damage from lava.
Concrete Shoes - Drown in water.
Quicksand - Take damage from falling sand.
Walk the Plank - Take damage from any pirate.
Bee Tard - Drown in Honey.
Cooties - Take damage from a Nymph.
is ok to have some easy achievements too!

-take the magic sword from the rock (great idea S4angriento)

-plant "X" trees from Acorns

.plant "X" plants from flower pot (or planting boxes (soon))

- create the superficie shroom biome

- build a house in each posible biome

-create a "x" long Railroad

-open a chest of each kind (wood, gold, wather, ice, ivy, black)

-for complete Set of Decortations ( build all the maoghandy furnitures, all the steampunk furnitures etc)

- get a Mount

- Get a Pet

-for get killed for a boss XD

- for kill plantera on the surface! (kinda of a challenge)

- for build some of the hardest accesorys (bundle of ballons, ankh shield, frozen jelly divegear, etc)
I'm not exactly for achievements to be honest. But hey, what the heck.
My apologies if any of these were already mentioned. I have not read a single post in this massive thread.

Killing bosses:
"An eye for an eye": Killed Eye of Cthulhu.
"The world's largest can of worm food": Killed Eater of Worlds.
"Mastered the mastermind": Killed Brain of Cthulhu.
"A sticky situation": Killed King Slime.
"To bee or not to bee": Killed Queen Bee.
"Apprentice skullcrusher": Killed Skeletron.
"Not feeling that hungry right now": Killed Wall of Flesh.

"Won the staring contest": Killed The Twins.
"The world's largest can": Killed The Destroyer.
"Journeyman Skullcrusher": Killed Skeletron Prime.
"Professional weed wacker": Killed Plantera.
"Deconstructed the construct": Killed Golem.
"Duked with the Duke": Killed Duke Fishron.
"Master Skullcrusher": Killed The Guardian.

"Fearless lumberjack": Killed Mourning Wood.
"Mmm! Pumpking pie!": Killed Pumpking.
"Christmas tree cutter": Killed Everscream.
"No milk and cookies for you": Killed Santa-NK1.
"Defrosted the queen": Killed Ice Queen.

Doing damage:
"Setting up snares": Did x damage to enemies with traps in one game session.
"Up close and personal": Did x damage to enemies with melee weapons in one game session.
"This is my rifle.": Did x damage to enemies with ranged weapons in one game session.
"It's a kind of magic": Did x damage to enemies with magic weapons in one game session.
"Employer": Did x damage to enemies with summon weapons in one game session.

"Gone fishing": Complete 50 fishing quests.
"Left your mark on the world": Fall to your death with at least an x-amount of fall distance.
"Spreading your wings": Fly and/or glide for at least an x-amount of seconds in the air.
"All juiced up": Have at least x beneficial buffs by drinking potions.
"Landlord": Have acquired all NPC's and have them living under a roof.

"Goblin Gobbler": Kill all goblins in a goblin invasion within an x amount of time.
"Pirate Piercer": Kill all pirates in a pirate invasion within an x amount of time.

"Stress handler": Don't die during a Blood Moon.
"I ain't afraid of no ghost": Don't die during a Solar Eclipse.

"Trick or treat!": Reach final wave in the Pumpkin Moon event.
"The night you saved christmas": Reach final wave or wave 15 in the Frost Moon event. (Final wave seems a bit unfair, since 99% of people will never be able to reach it, UNLESS 1.3 content is so powerful that the Frost Moon event gets a lot easier.)
Purity : Have no Corruption or Crimson in your World
Transformer : Transform you into a Mouse to cross 1x1 tiles. "Mousestaff sold by Dryad"
  • Reawakening: Kill the clothier to fight the Skeletron again.
  • Law Breaker: Buy illegal gun parts.
  • A True Terrarian: Kill the Dungeon Guardian.
  • Ride to the Heavens: Obtain every mount.
  • Gravity: Go to the top of the world and jump to the bottom in a single fall.
  • Fashion Master: Obtain every costume from the Goodie Bag and the Presents.
  • Ore-iginal: Obtain every ore in the game.
  • It was just a sip: Drink ale.
  • Unnatural Taste: Eat a mushroom.
  • Stealing: Take the Clothier's hat.
If any of these make it into the game, I will be amazed. Thank you for the amazing game by the way.
1st time EoC kill: "The eye meets its end."
1st BoC Kill: "All your knowledge are belong to us"
Killing all 3 mech bosses: "Disturbance from the jungle"
1: Kill wyvern with any dots- MOAR DOTS
2: Kill all the bosses- Dangerous hitlist
3: Get the space gun- pew pew
4: Get 1000 platinum- terrarian an god or inventory editor?
5: Get the meowmeres - NyanNyanNyanNyanNyan
6: Get the rocket launcher- say Ella to my Lil friend
7: mine every block- Geologist
8: obtain the rocket boots- they hurt but aleast not as much as a rocket jump
Dethroned - Defeat King Slime
Clearing Hive - Defeat Queen Bee
Catch of the Day - Defeat Duke Fishron

I don't want too many "Do this thing X times" or things like that, or anything really tedious. I just have a few for now.

"You're doing it wrong" - Get the Bone Key from the Dungeon Guaridan.
How about detecting the 1st house built and naming it "home sweet home"

Or another named "we need to go deeper" for the lava layer.

"from sea to shining sea" for exploring both of the oceans.

"somewhere over the rainbow" for opening a sky island chest.

What about "the true king" for defeating every boss on a hardcore character?

"Well... that was interesting!" For dying to the dungeon guardian.

"epic tresure" for opening all of the special chests in th dungeon.

"these friends of mine" for all NPC's .

"Party of One" have only the party girl as a living NPC at one time.

"a lasting hatered" for equiping the guide voodoo doll and killing the guide.

I'm just spitballing here.
"The Ultimate Tank" - Get more than 150 defense
"Ultra Terror" - Get to wave 10 of Pumpkin/Frost moon with only a Terra Blade
"Taste the tainbow, mother:red:er!" - Get meowmere
"Much lazors, such wow" - Get Laser Machinegun
"Lazors vs. Lazors" - Kill the Twins with a Laser Machinegun
"I didn't even touch him..." - Kill any boss with just the Thorn effect
"public static string GetText(string text) { return text; }" - Write valid C# on a sign
"Where did my leg go?" - Get killed by using a Rod of Discord too much
"ZZZZzzzzzz... Hey! where's everybody?" - Get any boss killed by only using DoT debuffs
"MUST. NOT. FAP!!!!!!!!!!!" - Get Master Bait
"U GOT REKT" - Kill any boss in one SINGLE shot (this one does NOT count piercing)
"360 noscope" - Kill any mob off-screen with a Sniper Rifle
"OMG! That was so close!" - Deliver the final blow to a boss while you have only 1 HP left
"NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" - Get killed by a boss while he has less than 100 HP remaining
"U GOT REKT II" - Get one-shotted by a player in PvP
"U GOT REKT III" - One-shot a player in PvP
"U GOT REKT IV" - One-shot a player that has more than 100 defense in PvP
"U GOT REKT V" - One-shot a player that has more than 150 defense in PvP
"The Ultimate Tank II" - Survive a hit from a Dungeon Guardian
"Moneygrabbing much?" - Get 999 platinum coins
If a player gets an achievement, it should be posted in the chat

Player 1 achieved "Blind Cthulhu" by defeating the Eye of Cthulhu!
Player 2 crafted the Terrablade and achieved "Terraformer" !
Player 3 got "Cenx' Armory" by getting the Meowmere!
Player 4 is now an "Armored Lizard" equipping the Turtle Armor!
Since There are 40 pages long so I just give random name idea instead.
You shouldn't done that.... - get killed by Dungeon Guardians.
Defeat the fear - kill the Dungeon Guardian. (or possibly name is Revenge of The Fallen Terrarians (From Yrimir's)
A lone wolf - Equip the Moon Charm or Moon Shell.
The end of The beginning - kill wall of flesh.
All you base are belong to us - .....
Let ride the RAINBOW!!!!!!!!!! - obtain meowmear/ or get a unicorn on stick.
Sorry man, You have to go now - sacrifice Guild or Clothier.
This is ultimate showdown - fight Lunar Boss.

Ah... :sigh:That all I think.
This post might include stuff you've already seen on the past 40 pages:

General Stuff:

"The Many-World Theorem" - Play on 10 different worlds
"Schitzophrenia" - Play using 10 different characters
These could be expanded on with different numbers. Pretty basic stuff.

Gameplay Stuff (I don't want to go into the direction of "Here's an arcievment for this boss you killed. Nice". We have trophies for that.):

"Slayer of Detatched Heads" - Kill the Dungeon Guardian
"A Hatred for Slime" - Kill every slime enemy, including King Slime
"Let's find a new home for you" - Pick up the Golem Altar
"Not just about slaying" - Get the Golden Rod as a fishing reward from the Angler
"You're only mortal" - Die as a hardcore character [can be expandeed upon with different numbers]
"Mass Murderer" - Kill 1000 enemies [can be expanded upon with different numbers]
"The Hero" - Obtain an Enchanted Sword
"This has become an Addiction" - Hold 20 different potions in your inventory at once

IMO Archievments should be true rewards rather than stuff you get thrown at and I'm trying to go into that direction with these suggestions. However, Terraria is a very difficult kind of game to do this on, so I snuck in some which might come as a surprise to people who're not just hunting for archievments, but can be easy to get otherwise.

I couldn't come up with any more think-outside-the-box archievments, but I encourage the devs to sneak some archievments of that kind into the game. I'm sure many players will be surprised to see that there's an archievment for ex. having 20 different potions in your inventory at once, or "lure an ichor sticker into the hallowed biome". Crazy stuff and lotsa fun to do.
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