Biomes & Nature Allow Gem Trees to grow next to 'fuzzy' moss like how surface trees can grow next to tall grass.


Hey guys,

Title says most of it, I hope this is a simple thing to fix as I dream of my moss lit gem forest, with little gem critters frolicking through the.. fronds? Currently I can get some balance of 2/3, using walls to tactfully prevent moss from growing and letting my gem trees grow, or not planting my gem trees on moss so the trees can grow but critters can spawn, but at this time I don't have a way of having a field of mossy stone and brick, dotted by trees, that would allow critters to spawn. (that I've found and my attempt to have others help me come up with a solution went, unanswered.
They can grow on moss BUT, if tall moss grows adjacent to it then it won't grow. In my example image below, the two saplings with torches by them I've intentionally avoided cleaning up the 'fuzz' by them and they to this day have not grown.

I'm going to necro bump this to see if it's possible to get in the upcoming QoL update.

I do think, as a temporary work around, what you can do is hammer the blocks adjacent as I don't think fuzz can grow on slopes, so you can place them on little raises.
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