PC Archaeologist Playthrough


The Archaeologist play-through is like one of the class play-throughs (only using one type of weapon) but the Archaeologist play-through is a role-play play-through.

This is a set of rules you can use on an Archaeologist play-through:
- Only use loot from things e.g. Chest, Bosses, Enemies (if they are ancient items) or a hammer and chisel (Chisel = Short Sword)
- An ancient item is something that is a not to O.P. Magic item, an item From The Jungle or a Magic Like item (Magic Like: meaning swords that shoot beams or things with cool 'magic' abilities) You can use none ancient items pre-hardmode.
- Only use wings made from broken things e.g. Bat wings made from Broken Bat Wing
- you can use wiring and mob farms (Archaeologist can use machines to excavate the earth to find there artifacts or fossils in real life)
-In hard mode you can use normal swords instead of short swords.
-You can buy from NPC's and use there weapons

Here are some tips on the play-through:
- Try to defeat the goblin army before you kill Skeletron so you can get the Tinkerer's Workshop from the goblin so you can make Boulder so you can set a trap to kill Skeletron easily
heres a link to a video I saw on this method.
- Kill Skeletron so you can get the mechanic so you can start making boss farms.
- Go underground to find geysers and dart traps so you can use them to help you make your bass farms ( you can also make the boulder method easier using actuated blocks to make it fall )

This idea was given from the mechanic play-through idea. I added to the idea and made this! The Archaeologist Play-through!
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Boulders are powerful to beat some bosses. 250 boulders kill expert wall of flesh, 100 boulders kill The expert Destroeyer. no armor needed
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