Other Armor on Target Dummies

It would probably be wayyyyy too difficult to implement set bonuses, but better dummies that you can set the defense of would be a good idea.
Here's my take on this; right clicking on them would bring up a menu with some options:

Dummy max health[Infinite-9999999] (When it runs out of health it breaks but you can replace it, a good way to see how long it takes to deal certain damage)
Defence: [0-9999]
Damage resistance: [0%-99%]
Knockback immunity: [-20%-100%] (I'd love to send dummies flying around :dryadgrin:)
Projectiles home in? [Yes/No]
Immune to Debuffs? [Yes/No]

The only thing it shouldn't do is activate your set bonuses as that could easily be exploited.
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For example something like the turtle armor set bonus would definitely get exploited with these things, and the projectile reflect is something I could also see being exploited as well.
Thing is, dummies are hostile entities in the game's code (just without contact damage), so you probably couldn't exploit it as it only would reflect the players' damage.
For example something like the turtle armor set bonus would definitely get exploited with these things
:dryadwhat: How exactly would that get exploited?

The Spectre armour healing, the Beetle armour's Beetle might with the Scalemail and the Nebula boosters ect... was what I was talking about.
Neither, I can't think of a single set bonus that could be exploited if you gave it to a dummy. (wait... Chlorophyte.)
Oh, you mean giving the actual dummy the set bonus, I though you was talking about set bonuses of the player being activated, I'm dumb :dryadsad:

Wait the entire thread was talking about adding actual armour sets, not just defence.... *Slips away in embarrassment*
Oh, you mean giving the actual dummy the set bonus, I though you was talking about set bonuses of the player being activated, I'm dumb :dryadsad:
Actually, chlorophyte would just attack the player now that I think about it... I guess it can't be exploited after all.
Well I don't think dummies should be able to use set bonuses of the armour, as it wouldn't really make much of a difference, instead I prefer my idea which I should make into a thread probably.
Well I don't think dummies should be able to use set bonuses of the armour, as it wouldn't really make much of a difference, instead I prefer my idea which I should make into a thread probably.
It does have adventure map potential, like taking damage if you attack in certain areas... or having turrets shoot at the player while you run past them.
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