Ask a wyvern

People wanting me to be more social. I can only do that online.
This is the most relatable thing on this website.
Why do you feel this way?
Ten bucks says it’s the same reason I feel this way. Who wants to loose ten big ones?
What's the dumbest way that you've died to a boss? For me it was just yesterday, when I was fighting the Lunatic Cultist for more Moon Lord loot, when King Slime spawns. I kill him in the first few seconds, but also took a whole ton of damage from LC. I was on about 4 health, I reached for the H key, when I run into all of the slimes.
It's called a signature and I don't add it. I simply put the stuff into signature in account settings and it always appears under my posts.
Yes, she is in other RPs, including my own, and no, she doesn't retain memories across other RPs.
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