Weapons & Equip Back Packs

When i go into a cave and find a rare item but my inventory is full of rare items i find it VERY annoying to delete stuff. Backpacks are a great simple way to store alot more stuff into your inventory. They act like normal chest they can be named, dyed, and have the same amount of storage space but you can't put a back pack inside a back pack. To open a back pack into your inventory bar and right click on it. The max stack of backpacks is 1. To make a back pack you need to make golden silk which is made by 2 silk and 4 gold bars and you need 10 golden silk and 1 chain for a backpack.
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Too imbalanced. You can fill every slot in your inventory with backpack and you will have A LOT of space. Not to mention the backpack is easy to craft.
And by the way, you also have the Money Trough, which works the same.

If you have trouble managing your inventory, you must learn to decide what to keep and what not to keep.
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