Game Mechanics Bestiary change


Bestiary is world specific, meaning if you take character A to world A, kill 50 blue slimes, then make a new world B and enter that with character A you do not have blue slimes in that world B's bestiary. Additionally character B joins world A and has access to the blue slime entry without having killed one. I feel like it would be better served if the function were reversed and bestiary progress is per player not per world.
No thanks, I have a lot of different characters.
But I do think it could've been handled differently, namely have the beastiary be an entirely separate file, so the progress is saved for all characters and all worlds.

This would also solve the problem of not being able to fully fill your bestiary in every world, since some creatures simply don't spawn there.
having it per character makes slightly more sense than fully universal as there are shop unlocks for the zoologist that a new character ideally shouldn't have immediate access to, notably the mole minecart and universal pylon, although some method to share bestiary entries between characters and players would help keep grind to a minimum if you do play multiple characters and don't want to fill it out for each of them.
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