Xakk Jun 15, 2016 I just want to remind everyone that I was calling the UG Desert boring since they introduced it. I am a prophet.
I just want to remind everyone that I was calling the UG Desert boring since they introduced it. I am a prophet.
Xakk Jan 12, 2016 My ultimate house is only a 3/4ths finished stone outline, and I already love walking through it. I can only imagine it finished.
My ultimate house is only a 3/4ths finished stone outline, and I already love walking through it. I can only imagine it finished.
thecoolkni Jan 6, 2016 Wait a minute, someone as helpful as you doesn't have a follower? Let's fix that.
Xakk Oct 6, 2015 It's become my policy not to use paint in any sort of build. I like to find new ways to use the content as it is. There is a lot of it.
It's become my policy not to use paint in any sort of build. I like to find new ways to use the content as it is. There is a lot of it.