NPCs & Enemies Bird who findings floating island - new Critter/NPC


It's hard to find Floating Islands in the game start, :sigh:So I think there can be a new way to find it. :cool:
It's flying to floating islands.
When player woke it up, it is flying to nearby not explored floating island and land on it when Wall of Flesh has been defeated (Hardmode), but flying under it and land on the surface on Pre-Hardmode.

When the player explored all floating islands, It flies to the farthest floating islands on the world.

When player broke all/on the world there are no floating islands, Ray does not run away from a player, and can be cached. Then spawn rate is 1/500.

When land on, or under a floating island, Ray is fallen asleep, and then it cannot be caught. It stays asleep to game-session end.

It can be caught only with Gold Bug Net. Can't be sold.


Ray Cage
1x Ray 1x Terrarium
- animation - it flies crazy; from left to right, from top to down - when Cage isn't at floating islands or cloud block.
it behaves like others birds in cages - when a cage is at floating island or cloud block.
Ray Potion
1x Ray 5x Cloud block 1x Honey Bottle
Teleport you to the nearby floating island.


Hp: 5
Spawn Rate: 1/300
Spawn Rate: 1/400(Hardmode)
Spawn Rate: 1/500 (when player broken all floating islands)
Please comment, rate and maybe give a suggestion for my suggestion :D
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Personally, I don't think floating islands are that hard to find, even if you can't fly. The Wiki has (or had) a good trick with the Water Bolt you can use. There are also some subtle indicators of a floating island above. Gold/Platinum on the surface, small surface tunnels or dirt that doesn't fit in with the biome are some indicators.
Plus exploration and finding things yourself is half the fun of Terraria! :)
Floating islands are pretty easy to find, for the reasons listed above. It's kind of a neat idea, but it seems unnecessary and may even be more complicated than existing means of finding them.
I think that little critters hinting at little secrets is a good idea! Maybe along with floating Islands, there could be a red Phoenix that hints at a blood moon about to happen, or a bird to hint at a solar eclipse or an invasion. Maybe even a slime-covered birdy to warn the player about slime rain, or maybe even king slime spawning at the outer parts of the world! The possibilities are almost limitless!
Good idea. I think that finding floating islands post-skeletron (you get waterbolt then) is too late because items you find on them are more early-game i think.
I think that little critters hinting at little secrets is a good idea! Maybe along with floating Islands, there could be a red Phoenix that hints at a blood moon about to happen, or a bird to hint at a solar eclipse or an invasion. Maybe even a slime-covered birdy to warn the player about slime rain, or maybe even king slime spawning at the outer parts of the world! The possibilities are almost limitless!
Terraria 1.4: Bird Mayhem Update
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