temery2383 Jan 8, 2019 R.I.P. Kate Kasten, Zoe Kasten, Jonathan Kasten, and Jane Moeckel. You're in God's hands now. You will be missed.
R.I.P. Kate Kasten, Zoe Kasten, Jonathan Kasten, and Jane Moeckel. You're in God's hands now. You will be missed.
temery2383 Oct 17, 2018 Can I just say, I love the community culture of this forum. Compared to other game forums I'm on, this is far and away the best.
Can I just say, I love the community culture of this forum. Compared to other game forums I'm on, this is far and away the best.
temery2383 Jul 31, 2018 The more I learn about how to create mods, the more I respect the work that goes into them. This stuff can be a pain at times!
The more I learn about how to create mods, the more I respect the work that goes into them. This stuff can be a pain at times!
temery2383 Jul 23, 2018 Just did a d&d session last night, and our bard tried to seduce a freaking door instead of picking the lock - AND IT WORKED.
Just did a d&d session last night, and our bard tried to seduce a freaking door instead of picking the lock - AND IT WORKED.
temery2383 Jul 3, 2018 I did a thing, come check it out! (It's also on my building thread.) https://imgur.com/Iadh12H
temery2383 Jun 18, 2018 Why have I never thought to check out the game mechanics suggestion page? Y'all come of with some awesome stuff!
Why have I never thought to check out the game mechanics suggestion page? Y'all come of with some awesome stuff!
temery2383 Jun 18, 2018 TCF seems to be acting up right now. I'm trying to click "more options" when editing a post, but it says "this page isn't working." Tips?
TCF seems to be acting up right now. I'm trying to click "more options" when editing a post, but it says "this page isn't working." Tips?
temery2383 Jun 17, 2018 Only now that I'm working on a creative build for once do I realize just how incredible the new block swap will be.
Only now that I'm working on a creative build for once do I realize just how incredible the new block swap will be.
temery2383 Jun 16, 2018 Is there any way to search for social forums? It seems like they're pretty much either word-of-mouth or invite-only.
Is there any way to search for social forums? It seems like they're pretty much either word-of-mouth or invite-only.
temery2383 May 29, 2018 I can't be the only person who thinks there should be a mod that adds an option for the alternate biomes people have come up with on here.
I can't be the only person who thinks there should be a mod that adds an option for the alternate biomes people have come up with on here.
temery2383 Mar 26, 2018 Pro tip: download the "Do It with a Copper Shortsword!" and "Directional Melee" mods. Set it to expert mode. You will not be disappointed.
Pro tip: download the "Do It with a Copper Shortsword!" and "Directional Melee" mods. Set it to expert mode. You will not be disappointed.