tModLoader [Calamity] Rogue Improvements

do you have a list of damage changes for the weapons?
also would it be possible to add a way of changing certain melee weapons to rogue? i think there are a lot of vanilla melee weapons, like the boomerangs and misc. weapons, that fit the rogue style but are exclusive to melee.
Yeah, the error I found is below, that's what pointed me to using it while paused once I figured out what the postupdate portion was checking. I've also included a copy of my client log for you. 2

[14:21:32] [1/ERROR] [Terraria]: System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'CalamityMod.CalPlayer.CalamityPlayer.stressMax'.
at CalamityRogueImprovements.RoguePlayer.PostUpdate()
at Terraria.ModLoader.PlayerHooks.PostUpdate(Player player)
at Terraria.Player.Update(Int32 i)
at Terraria.WorldGen.FinishPlayWorld()
at System.Action.Invoke()
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
[14:21:32] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'CalamityMod.CalPlayer.CalamityPlayer.stressMax'.
at CalamityRogueImprovements.RoguePlayer.PostUpdate()
at Terraria.ModLoader.PlayerHooks.PostUpdate(Player player)
at Terraria.Player.Update(Int32 i)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameHost.OnIdle()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.RunOneFrame()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponent.FDoIdle(Int32 grfidlef)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ComponentManager.System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IMsoComponentManager.FPushMessageLoop(IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoopInner(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadContext.RunMessageLoop(Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
at System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(Form mainForm)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
at Terraria.WindowsLaunch.Main(String[] args)
It looks like you use outdated version of Calamity. Just update it.
do you have a list of damage changes for the weapons?
also would it be possible to add a way of changing certain melee weapons to rogue? i think there are a lot of vanilla melee weapons, like the boomerangs and misc. weapons, that fit the rogue style but are exclusive to melee.
There is no list but all balancing changes are in the code under the spoiler in the topic header.

I just balance things that I encounter during my playthrough, converting melee weapons is a bigger scope so I'm not going to add it.
I have the most recent version., still crashes with luiafk menus
The "CalamityMod.CalPlayer.CalamityPlayer.stressMax" field error is certainly related to Calamity version incompatibility, if you have it with the latest Calamity then may be I have to update my mod for the new version of Calamity. But the sprite "Begin..." error is different, as I said it happens to me only when I reload mods without restarting game executable though it may be caused by the "stressmax" as a consequence.
stormfront razor + ruin medallion = big damage
Yep, stormfront razor is overpowered. I still keep it even after moon lord for aoe things. May be it should be nerfed in the next version.

My mod doesn't change any "internal" damage calculation, it just applies a modifier after everything. Other conditions like accessory are applied before my mod so if you see a big damage compared to other weapons then it's big regardless of my mod presence.
Well, I think this mod is really great but, I found a bug in my game.
The melee weapons are useless at all, such as...the copper sword. They can not deal ANY damage to all monsters.
Or even...a little grasshopper.
But they are still able to break plants and mushrooms.
Then I have to turn off the mod, and my copper sword is working again.
The other kinds of weapons are still working, but I want to use swords or Yo-yos if necessary so...
Is there ant problem in my game?
(Forgive me please, I'm a foreigner, so my English is not good.)
Yep, stormfront razor is overpowered. I still keep it even after moon lord for aoe things. May be it should be nerfed in the next version.
definitely, i want to use other weapons but stormfront razor is just way too good with this mod. a weapon that you can get right after beating a mechanical boss should not be this good. (i haven't tried this weapon without the mod so i don't know if its inherently op)
Hey, I don't know if this is a mistake on my end, but I've come across a couple weird bugs using this.

First, it set my world to night after I re-entered, even though only 2 real minutes had passed since the creation of the world. It even did this when I forcefully paused time to Day via Hero's Mod.

Second, there's this weird conflict with a random mod, Helpful Hotkeys. Whenever I use my Auto Torch bind (which is middle click for me), the torch forcefully stays in my hand (which isn't supposed to happen), and then the bind stops working until I re-enter my world, where it does it again. It does this for my other HH binds as well. (BTW, yes, my "slow-motion" key is disabled)

Third, it crashes the game whenever I enable or disable the mod. (It gives that error message that has you "exit" or "exit and disable all")

I apologize if there's some obvious wrongdoing on my part, but I just wanted to bring this up since these were some weird bugs to have happened.

If this isn't enough to qualify as a bug report, I can give you the Crash Report and modlist I used, if that helps.
do you have a list of damage changes for the weapons?
also would it be possible to add a way of changing certain melee weapons to rogue? i think there are a lot of vanilla melee weapons, like the boomerangs and misc. weapons, that fit the rogue style but are exclusive to melee.

I recommend getting Fargo's Sould and Mutant mods as they let you convert certain melee weapons such as boomerangs and yoyos to throwing damage which get all the buffs that rogue weapons do from armor sets and accessories. Not to mention its great compatibility with Calamity.

UPD: Sorry! I got it all messed up. It's actually armor and accessories that buff throwing damage also buff rogue damage, not the other way around. So there's no real solution for your struggle as of now I guess...
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@WVlad Seems like this quite recent mod relies on a field in calamity that was probably removed few years ago? Please fix this, I'm getting reports on my mod's discord of players being unable to go down slopes, and it's not obvious for people that it's this mod that's at fault.
[20:01:42] [1/ERROR] [Terraria]: System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'CalamityMod.CalPlayer.CalamityPlayer.stressMax'.
at CalamityRogueImprovements.RoguePlayer.PostUpdate()
at Terraria.ModLoader.PlayerHooks.PostUpdate(Player player)
Hey author, can't wait to use this mod and have a really fun ninja playthrough. There is a problem though, you're mod breaks fist weapons from the WeaponsOut mod, just thought I'd let you know
hi i decided to make a character with rogue build and i see your mod so i tried it out, after playing couple of minutes and see this damage, is this supposed to happen or is this a bug ? im using wulfrum knife, and snow ruffian armor no accesories equiped. Not just that my summon damage is boosted too like that :eek:

love your mod btw
Loved the Rogue class and it would really be better to get used to it with this mod, but this mod is not compatible with Terraria Overhaul ...
You cannot use ropes and platforms, you cannot fly up and down on any flying mounts, the error appears if you climb up at least once (function of the T. Overhaul mod), I did not seem to see any other errors, but this is enough not to use the mod until there are fixes ...
If the author has not yet abandoned this mod, then please take this into account! :zombie:
Loved the Rogue class and it would really be better to get used to it with this mod, but this mod is not compatible with Terraria Overhaul ...
You cannot use ropes and platforms, you cannot fly up and down on any flying mounts, the error appears if you climb up at least once (function of the T. Overhaul mod), I did not seem to see any other errors, but this is enough not to use the mod until there are fixes ...
If the author has not yet abandoned this mod, then please take this into account! :zombie:

As the title of the thread states, the mod is purely meant for CalamityMod, not vanilla.
Calamity release 1.4.5 just came out days ago, and rogue improvements isn't compatible currently.
um so I downloaded recent updates for mods and I something broke

[22:41:19] [12/ERROR] [tML]: An error occurred while loading CalamityMod
The mod(s) have been automatically disabled.
System.MissingMethodException: Метод не найден: "Boolean CalamityMod.NPCs.CalamityGlobalNPC.RevPlusDR(Single)".
в CalamityRogueImprovements.CalamityRogueImprovements.SetSuperdummyStats(NPC superDummy)
в CalamityRogueImprovements.CalamityRogueImprovements.SuperDummyNPC_SetDefaults(orig_SetDefaults orig, SuperDummyNPC self) в CalamityRogueImprovements.cs:строка 322
в DMD<DMD<Hook<CalamityMod.NPCs.NormalNPCs.SuperDummyNPC::SetDefaults>?39798556>?28948709::Hook<CalamityMod.NPCs.NormalNPCs.SuperDummyNPC::SetDefaults>?39798556>(SuperDummyNPC )
в Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.SetDefaults(NPC npc, Boolean createModNPC)
в Terraria.ModLoader.Mod.SetupContent()
в Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.<>c.<Load>b__38_1(Mod mod)
в Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.LoadModContent(CancellationToken token, Action`1 loadAction)
в Terraria.ModLoader.ModContent.Load(CancellationToken token)
в Terraria.ModLoader.ModLoader.Load(CancellationToken token)
[22:41:19] [12/INFO] [tML]: Disabling Mod: CalamityMod
[22:41:20] [21/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[22:41:23] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Process.Start (UseShellExecute = True): "C:\Users\1179202\Documents\My Games\Terraria\ModLoader\Logs\client.log"
(btw every time you see small capital b it means ''in'' or ''at'' that just Russian)
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