Weapons & Equip Character Costums


Empress of Light
Halloween season is coming soon, so I only thought it fitting to post this now rather than latter/sooner. I like some of my character designs, you know, that ones that looks so neat you need to put on that familiar outfit? What I am proposing is one step beyond!
How this would work, is you go into a world in the Halloween season and talk to the clothier. I know he already has a lot, but it still doesn't compare to the painter so I think it can slide. If these "condition"(not an error) are met, he will sell 3 new items:
[current character's name]Mask
[current character's name]Mid-Piece
and [current character's name]Legs
These will only function with a character of that name, and only the one with the highest priority in the character selection list.
On your character that purchased them, it looks like familiar clothes because it's your character's name; being that in that circumstance it disregards the former statement.
When you switch to another character, as long as that first one has that name and is highest in priority (favorites included btw) it will show up as being familiar clothes, however it will look like that first character wearing familiar clothes instead!
This is subject to change, your comments on this can and may have an impact, so criticize away!
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