tAPI Coding issue for boss


So, I have been trying to make a boss for my mod, but it does not seem to work right. When I try to summon it, it decides to tell me:

"System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: No key "LifeCrystals:Crystal Guardian" found
at TAPI.WrapperDictionary`2.get_Item( key)
at LifeCrystals.Items.SuspiciousLookingCrystal.UseItem(Terraria.Player p) in \Life Mod\Items\SuspiciousLookingCrystal.cs at line 18
at TAPI.Hooks.CallConditional( ts, a)
at TAPI.CodableItem.UseItem(Terraria.Player player)
at Terraria.Player.ItemCheckReal(System.Int32 i)
at Terraria.Player.ItemCheck(System.Int32 i)
at Terraria.Player.UpdatePlayer(System.Int32 i)
at Terraria.Main.UpdateReal(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime gameTime)"

Here is my json: http://pastebin.com/9CCfKvkP
And here is my cs for the summoning item: http://pastebin.com/asw7VxV1
There is no cs for the boss (which may or may not be a problem, I don't know)
If anyone could help, that would be great!
If you have no space in the file name for your boss, then in the cs file for your summoning item, you will need to remove the space in Crystal Guardian.
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