Switch Coop Damage and controls



Since my girlfriend and me started to play in Coop together I discovered two annoying bugs. I read that other people have the same problems experienced. But since I don't know whether it's known and worked on it not I'm going to post it here.

First thing I discovered was that the controls in coop are messed up for the second player. I tried to set up easier controls for my girlfriend who plays as the second player and when she presses a button it doesn't work as I set it up in the menu. Instead of doing function 'A' it does 'A' and 'B' at the same time. I can't really get it to work properly.

I think this may be the same problem I have with the coop controls:

Second annoying thing is that today I discovered that the second player gets hurt when the first player burns or walks on meteorite or touches lava.

I think this may be the same problem I have with the coop damage:

Are these issues known and worked on?
Is there a list of known bugs for the Switch?

Best regards!
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