Stream: Frozen Caeralis hatchlings, Frozen Kitsune Hatchlings, all three Celestial Butterflies, Coati
Pond: Aurean Globefish
Quest: Foenaran Nimbii
Donation: Basically any past donation creature, for anyone who wants to be really nice. I especially like ones with dark lore or starry themes.
Event: Erebine Phoenix
Extra: For the Nimbii in particular, I'm willing to take any kind, Named, Unnamed, Frozen, Unfrozen, it doesn't matter, I'll take 'em, they're adorable
I don't take family progenitors for some personal reasons.
Stream: Same as above
Hybrid: Most Pygmy Crystalwings
Pond: Same as above
Event: Most Crystalwings (I sadly can't give a proper list of ones I don't want yet, I'll update this when I have time to check every single one for ones I'm not a fan of) (Note added for just this post: At least until I actually get around to checking all the crystalwings, I'll probably just take any crystalwing *shrug*), Foxfire Skulks (I especially love the black and white ones), any of the Pygmy Wolpertingers, honestly any halloween or christmas creature other than decessus and mortefellis
Donation: Same as above
Extra: Like with progenitors, I don't take members of a family, for personal reasons.
(Literally just copied that, it's for MagiStream stuff.)