tAPI Custom projectile doesnt work o.O


Its Fixed Thanks to Yoraiz0r, Grox The Great and Arkhlis for all the help.

Code is now working.

"displayName": "Basics1",
"author": "SilentNJ",
"info": "Test",
"version": "0.0.0",
"internalName": "NJMod",
"includePDB" : true

"displayName": "Mega Gun",
"size": [52, 28],
"maxStack": 1,
"value": [0, 10, 0, 0],
"rare": 9,
"tooltip": "A very awesome gun.",

"useStyle": 5,
"useAnimation": 15,
"useTime": 15,
"damage": 77,
"knockback": 30,
"useSound": 11,
"autoReuse": true,
"ranged": true,
"noMelee": true,
"shoot": "NJMod:MegaAmmoProj",
"shootSpeed": 7,
"useAmmo": "MegaAmmo",

"items": { "Dirt Block": 1 },
"tiles": [ "Work Bench" ],
"creates": 1

"displayName": "Mega Ammo",
"size": [ 12, 20 ],
"value": [ 1, 3, 2, 1 ],
"rare": 5,
"tooltip": "Mega Ammo!",
"maxStack": 500,
"damage": 75,
"shoot": "NJMod:MegaAmmoProj",
"ammo": "MegaAmmo",
"ranged": true,
"consumable": true,
"shootSpeed": 10,

"items": { "Dirt Block": 1 },
"tiles": [ "Work Bench" ],
"creates": 250

"displayName": "Mega Ammo Projectile",
"size": [ 32, 32 ],
"aiStyle": 11,
"timeLeft": 3600,
"friendly": true,
"hostile": false,
"tileCollide": false,
"damage": 50,
"ranged": true
Last edited:
all your items reference NJMod for your projectile / ammo etc , but your mod's internal name is set to "Basic".
Change the internal name to NJMod and it should work. (assuming your file names match what you look for)
Still not working. thanks for the try anyway.
Upload your mod then so people can get a better look into what the issue will be, the files don't clearly indicate the problem , it might be a folder / file name issue.
Upload your mod then so people can get a better look into what the issue will be, the files don't clearly indicate the problem , it might be a folder / file name issue.
Uploaded and edited main post for download link, thanks for help that u are giving me.
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