Game Mechanics Diving Gear


Prior to any counter-argument I would like to state that I am aware the flippers are now fishable.

Problem = Even prior to 1.4 the Diving Gear was not available early on or even mid-pre hardmode. I personally feel to actually make use of it it should be available earlier. Why? Well, by the time you get your hands on it it most likely will be near useless due to potions, mounts, and the need for the inventory slot to be used for other things. How so?

The Helmet = 2% isn't bad for a rare drop but let's face it, 2% in Terraria most of the time is like 1/200. Given that Sharks appear to be less frequent now (as if they weren't rare enough before) this is a matter that literally can take hours. Not even exaggerating. Don't mention Shark Statues. With the addition of craftable bug statues spawning in place of non-craftable statues, these are now even more rarer than before.

The Flippers = Pre 1.4 flippers weren't too difficult to find as water chests were more abundant. Given the new World Gen, these chests are tougher to find. So that leaves fishing in most cases. Well, in order to fish up items like this in a reasonable time you're going to need at least a Golden Rod as well as potions. Refer to "Problem" description above.

I find the Diving Gear to be very useful for most if not all of pre-hardmode. Once in Hardmode it's not long until you get the Neptune's Shell which renders the Diving Gear useless. Which is what usually happens in most of my worlds. I'll get Neptune's Shell before I get the Diving Gear. Doesn't make sense.

Yes, this most likely will be very low on the radar but should be a very easy fix if noted. Possible solutions:

- Increase drop rate for Diving Helmet. Come on, extra Breath Meter? Hardly unbalancing.
- Make flippers fishable like Swordfish, Sawtooth Shark and Reaver Shark. Does not require a Biome Chest. Flippers really are only 1/2 a potion replacement. You can swim but the movement is still not negating the potion. Again not unbalancing.
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