Items Do you think they should add Five Nights at Freddys vanity items?

It would be great if we got as few additions from :red:ty 'indie game of the month' things as possible. Actually, if they could add content that removed references to that game or the games of its ilk from the internet, that'd be goshdarn lovely. But really, I am having trouble thinking of which game I'd want a reference to -less- than this one. Happy wheels, maybe. But at least I wouldn't probably recognize a happy wheels reference. Five Nights is so dingdangitty saturated throughout the entire internet that-... wow, is this what non-pony fans feel like when they see pony stuff where it doesn't belong? I actually feel kinda bad now. But no support, still.
Meh. If FNAF is still a big deal a few years from now, maybe. But remember that Slender game? You know, the one with a spooky monster that killed you, who's backstory has something to do with children, and was full of jump scares? But now Slender's just a fading thing that everyone vaguely regrets getting so hyped over.

I'd rather not get stuck with a fading reference to what was once popular, like, say, Minecraft's Endermen.
Again, the reason that the Mario and Legend of Zelda vanity items are in-game is that those franchises are huge. I don't know a single person who hasn't heard of those. FNAF, on the other hand, is one of those games that is popular for a while, but after a year or so, who cares? No one will remember it anymore. Guitar Hero used to be popular too, didn't it, but now no one gives a :red: about music games (and if you do, congratulations, but I'm just trying to point out the obvious). FNAF will come to the same fate.
I've had my fill of everything FNaF related, and then some, mainly because it's found its way into every nook and cranny of the internet. I've never played the games because 1: I'm cheap, and 2: I get paranoid and jumpy somewhat easily. I'll admit, the story is reasonably okay but aside from that, the rest seems... nehh. As others have said, it's just a fad. Either that, or it'll get washed away by something else.
Any possible FNaF references should, if anything, be subtler, such as quotes, or enemies (As long as they aren´t too obvious. A way to do so, for example, would be to make a weaker version of the Axe drop from Corrupt Bunnies, or adding a Foxy lookalike to an invasion. Possibily as a new Pirate Invasion enemy).
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personally i'd say no, Mainly cause its just been overkilled really... i mean, the 1st week FNaF came out, it was fresh, new and a little ":red: your pants", for weeks later, the hype and such dies out, FNaF2 later comes out, most people start getting sick of seeing all of it and then the horrible, horrible FanFics and :red: happen... so no, i wouldn't think its a good idea for FNaF Vanity...
I don't see why the Mechanic would sell it, but I can't really find a plausible way to get them otherwise. Anyhoo, I feel like the devs put in references to games that they played personally and effected them, imagining that LoZ, Mario, and Earthbound (cause yo-yos) were a part of their childhoods.
personally i'd say no, Mainly cause its just been overkilled really... i mean, the 1st week FNaF came out, it was fresh, new and a little ":red: your pants", for weeks later, the hype and such dies out, FNaF2 later comes out, most people start getting sick of seeing all of it and then the horrible, horrible FanFics and :red: happen... so no, i wouldn't think its a good idea for FNaF Vanity...
Well, there could be a new weapon, which would be a gun that turns bullets into horrible FNaF fanfics, and into FNaF porn (Including the Dirty Confessions Simulator, which is really disturbing and silly), which causes enemies to always die in a single hit because even they find both to be horrifying, even for them.
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