Weapons & Equip dying light pets changing the coluor of the light


Skeletron Prime
in my current playthrough of 1.3 I purchased some dyes from Akbar my dye trader, equipped one to my shadow orb and to my undelightful surprise the colour of the light it emits, so I simply ask to have that implemented I know it might be annoying with shadow dye and some others, but I think it will be good for the ascetic better of the game.
How are we supposed to kill pets anyways?

JK, you spelled the title wrong. Still support though.
well, this website doesn't have grammar check! and if you support it would be nice to leave a like.
edit: just checked the addons for firefox and it doesn't have one either
I don't understand what you're getting at here...
You're saying that putting dye on light pets changes the color of the light, so you want that in the game?
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