Endless Journey


In this game, there is no ending. There is no final boss. Your team is just a group of wandering travelers, helping out in times of need. What adventures await?

Lv. 1 (You ALWAYS start at Lv. 1, no matter what.)
Skills: (You MUST start with eight skills. No more, no less!)
Limit Break: (Does NOT count towards your skill cap.)
Weak To: (If you have a weakness, you can have a resistance. If you get hit by an element you're weak to, you will take x2 damage.)
Strong Against: (You need to have a weakness if you want to be strong against an element. If you get hit by an element you're resistant to, you will take x0.5 damage.)

Feel free to use this info in your weaknesses/resistances. All valid elements are: Physical, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind, Psychic, Nuclear, Bless, Curse, and Almighty.
HP: Hit Points. If your HP reaches 0, you die and will be unable to battle until the next wave or someone revives you. Also used for physical attacks, which take up HP equivalent to a set percentage of your Max HP stat.
SP: Spirit Points. Used for magical attacks. If your SP reaches 0, you'll have to resort to physical attacks or use an SP-restoring item.
BP: Boost Points. You get one every turn, and you can use up to three to boost the effectiveness of your skills. You have a cap of 5 BP, which cannot be changed.
LP: Limit Points. You gain LP as you get hit. If you fill it all the way to 9999, your Limit Break will be available. Limit Breaks cannot be boosted, and your LP cap can't be changed.
TP: Tension Points. The party shares this stat, and you can use TP to use Unison Skills with other players.
ATK: Attack. The higher the number, the more damage you'll deal with physical attacks.
DEF: Defense. The higher the number, the less damage you'll take from both physical and magical attacks.
MAG: Magic. The higher the number, the more damage you'll deal with magical attacks.
SPD: Speed. The higher the number, the sooner you get to move faster.
LCK: Luck. The higher the number, the better are the chances to deal Critical Hits, which deal x1.5 damage.
(Note that none of these stats, except for BP, LP, and TP, can be lower than 1.)

Here's my character.
Name: David
Lv. 1
HP: 84 SP: 26
ATK: 5 DEF: 1
MAG: 4 SPD: 3
LCK: 3%
  • Agilao: Deals moderate Fire damage to a single target. (8 SP)
  • Kougaon: Deals large Light damage to a single target. (12 SP)
  • Mafrei: Deals small Nuclear damage to all targets. (10 SP)
  • Assault Dive: Deals large Physical damage to a single target. (13% HP)
  • Vajra Blast: Deals moderate Physical damage to al targets. (14% HP)
  • Mediarama: Restores a moderate amount of HP to all allies. (12 SP)
  • Tarukaja: Buffs the user's ATK. (8 SP)
  • Rakunda: Debuffs an enemy's DEF. (8 SP)
Limit Break: Fire Finale: Takes two turns to charge. Deals colossal Fire damage to all foes.
Weak To: Ice and Curse
Strong Against: Fire and Bless

The game won't start unless there are two players.
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Name: Cyan
Lv. 1 (You ALWAYS start at Lv. 1, no matter what.)
HP: 30 SP: 300 (that's not op is is it?)
ATK: 1 DEF: 10
MAG: 50 SPD: 50
LCK: 10
Skills: (You MUST start with eight skills. No more, no less!)
"Cyan Beam" a laser that can cure sicknesses. Does no damage and cures targeted ally of negative status effects. (5 sp) (Bless)
"Hyper Cyan Beam" a modified Cyan Beam that deals 6 damage and can give a targeted opponent Cyan Sickness (see below). Can't be used out of battle. (10 sp) (Psychic)
"Dash" Cyan skips his turn, but is guaranteed to dodge the next attack to be targeted at him. Out of battle, this can be used to pass by obstacles. (10 sp) (Psychic)
"Hyper Dash" has a 50-50 chance to abort the battle for whole team. If the battle isn't ended, Cyan skips his turn. Can't be used out of battle. (15 sp) (Bless)
"Sky Crash" summons a clone of Cyan that then explodes in the opponent's face, dealing 10 damage. Out of battle, can destroy non-blast resistant objects. (20 sp) (Fire)
"Hype" all allies' spd is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)
"Crystal" all allies' mag is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)
"Fight" all allies' atk is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)

(As you can see, Cyan is mostly supportive. His main elements are Bless and Psychic.)
Limit Break:
"Cyan Breaker"
Summons a blade that Cyan can telepathically control. (Cyan has no arms.) The blade deals a base damage of 20.
Weak To: Physical, Nuclear (both due to being a baby (sorta. He can talk and act like a brave, smart 5-year-old, but is actually a newborn). Nuclear is also due to being Psychic because it meks snense.)
Strong Against: Curse, Wind (both due to being Psychic)
Other: Cyan is a baby-sized, square-headed humanoid who naturally hovers and lacks arms. I will upload a picture.

Cyan Sickness: Psychic damage-over-time debuff. Can only be inflicted by Hyper Cyan Beam.
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(*Imagines some people trying to hold onto the fight saying,"Nooooooooooo I don't wanna goooooooooo..."*)
Well hope you can use that responsibly.
Ahaha r.i.p

Also, Picture of Cyan:
Here's Wircavil's appearance.

FATE 7_22_2019 7_32_25 PM - Copy.png

(Wait that's not a dog!
Name: Wircavil
Lv. 1
HP: 100 SP:20
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
MAG: 3 SPD: 3
LCK: 3%
  • Fireball - Throws a fireball. Not much else. I mean you could start a campfire, but eh. (3 SP)
  • Slow - Summons a magical field where anything in there is slowed down. However, it will not last longer than two turns. (5 SP)
  • Minor Heal - Scales depending on progression. Other than that, not much. (7 SP)
  • Spectral Armor - Creates a magic barrier around their target, increasing defense, can be dispelled by enough damage, will fade away after time. (10 SP)
  • Identify Spell - Identifies creatures, objects,and enchantments (3 SP)
  • Town Portal - Basically the Magic Mirror but it uses mana. (5 SP)
  • Recharge - Regens 2 SP in cost of a turn.
  • Dog - Not a true skill, but will take up a slot for balance. Every battle, they will spawn with 20 HP, but when their HP goes to 0, they will go into 'Fleeing mode' where they will become invulnerable, but unable to attack, like a normal Terraria pet. They will not fight again until their HP gets back to 20. While Fleeing, they will regenerate 3 HP per turn.
Limit Break: Fate's Favor - Anyone who played the game this is from will know how the respawning works. The target will be given three choices by Fate if they are deceased. This will be automatic if Wircavil dies but has Limit Break full, which will always target Wircavil:
1. Be revived at their current location, at the cost of permanently losing some coins, and to be temporarily debuffed in all stats except max HP.
2. To respawn somewhere random, permanently losing again some coins, but without the debuff. Determined where with RNG.
3. Respawn at 'home', but all their coins will be dropped, and will despawn after a certain amount of time. Basically how Minecraft works.

Max HP: 100 > 89
Minor Heal: 7 SP > 6 SP

Name: Cyan
Lv. 1
HP: 30 SP: 300 (that's not op is is it?)
ATK: 1 DEF: 10
MAG: 50 SPD: 50
LCK: 10
Skills: (You MUST start with eight skills. No more, no less!)
"Cyan Beam" A laser that can cure sicknesses. Does no damage and cures targeted ally of negative status effects. (5 sp) (Bless)
"Hyper Cyan Beam" A modified Cyan Beam that deals 6 damage and can give a targeted opponent Cyan Sickness (see below). Can't be used out of battle. (10 sp) (Psychic)
"Dash" Cyan skips his turn, but is guaranteed to dodge the next attack to be targeted at him. Out of battle, this can be used to pass by obstacles. (10 sp) (Psychic)
"Hyper Dash" Has a 50-50 chance to abort the battle for whole team. If the battle isn't ended, Cyan skips his turn. Can't be used out of battle. (15 sp) (Bless)
"Sky Crash" Summons a clone of Cyan that then explodes in the opponent's face, dealing 10 damage. Out of battle, can destroy non-blast resistant objects. (20 sp) (Fire)
"Hype" All allies' SPD is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)
"Crystal" All allies' MAG is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)
"Fight" All allies' ATK is doubled for the rest of the battle. Out of battle, this is almost useless. (20 sp) (Bless)

(As you can see, Cyan is mostly supportive. His main elements are Bless and Psychic.)
Limit Break:
"Cyan Breaker"
Summons a blade that Cyan can telepathically control. (Cyan has no arms.) The blade deals a base damage of 20.
Weak To: Physical, Nuclear (both due to being a baby (sorta. He can talk and act like a brave, smart 5-year-old, but is actually a newborn). Nuclear is also due to being Psychic because it meks snense.)
Strong Against: Curse, Wind (both due to being Psychic)
Other: Cyan is a baby-sized, square-headed humanoid who naturally hovers and lacks arms. I will upload a picture.

Cyan Sickness: Psychic damage-over-time debuff. Can only be inflicted by Hyper Cyan Beam.

Some stats were too big for Lv. 1, others were too small. So I changed it a LOT. You're not supposed to have really high stats as Lv. 1 in this game.
HP: 30 -> 82
SP: 300 -> 37
ATK: 1 -> 2
DEF: 10 -> 6
MAG: 50 -> 3
SPD: 50 -> 4
LCK: 10% -> 3%

Hyper Dash: Cannot be used in Boss Fights.

Well, thanks for your entries. Let's begin the game.

David rushes to the town entrance with his party in order to defend against a raid.
David: Welp, you ain't gettin' in!
Wircavil: Prepare to die by our hand!
Cyan: Ehh... that's a little overkill, but... whatever.


David gets ready to use Mafrei on both of the Bandits.

Enemy Team
Bandit A: 86/86 HP, 14/14 SP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP
Bandit B: 86/86 HP, 14/14 SP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP

The Party (0% TP)
David: Lv. 1 (0/20) 84/84 HP, 26/26 SP, 1/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 1% LCK (Ready)
Wircavil: Lv. 1 (0/20) 89/89 HP, 20/20 SP, 1/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Cyan: Lv. 1 (0/20) 82/82 HP, 37/37 SP, 1/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK

Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, Wircavil, David
Next Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, David, Wircavil
(If players take too long to make a move, I'll put on Auto. Also, if you don't specify a target, you'll hit a random target.)

Cyan attacks!
Bandit B took 8 damage! (78/86 HP)

Bandit A attacks!
David took 7 damage! (77/84 HP)

Bandit B attacks!
Cyan took 1 damage! (81/82 HP)

Wircavil used Fireball! (17/20 SP)
Bandit A took 11 damage! (75/86 HP)

David used Assault Dive! (66/84 HP)
Bandit A took 25 damage! (44/86 HP)


Enemy Team
Bandit A: 44/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP
Bandit B: 72/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP

The Party (0.27% TP)
David: Lv. 1 (0/20) 66/84 HP, 26/26 SP, 2/5 BP, 4/9999 LP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 1% LCK
Wircavil: Lv. 1 (0/20) 89/89 HP, 17/20 SP, 2/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Cyan: Lv. 1 (0/20) 81/82 HP, 37/37 SP, 2/5 BP, 1/9999 LP, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK

Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, David, Wircavil
Next Turn Queue: Bandit B, Bandit A, Cyan, David, Wircavil
Cyan attacks!
Bandit B took 3 damage! (69/86 HP)

Bandit A attacks!
David took 12 damage! (54/84 HP)

Bandit B attacks!
David took 11 damage! (43/84 HP)

David used Agilao! (18/26 SP)
Bandit A took 11 damage! (31/86 HP)

Wircavil used Fireball! (14/20 SP)
Bandit A took 5 damage! (26/86 HP)


David gets ready to end the fight with a MAX Boosted Vajra Blast.

Enemy Team
Bandit A: 26/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP
Bandit B: 69/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP

The Party (0.61% TP)
David: Lv. 1 (0/20) 31/84 HP, 18/26 SP, 3/5 BP, 17/9999 LP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 1% LCK (Ready)
Wircavil: Lv. 1 (0/20) 89/89 HP, 14/20 SP, 3/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Cyan: Lv. 1 (0/20) 81/82 HP, 37/37 SP, 3/5 BP, 1/9999 LP, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK

Turn Queue: Bandit B, Bandit A, Cyan, David, Wircavil
Next Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, David, Wircavil
Name: Cattus (AKA The Diamond Feline)
Lv. 1
HP: 100
SP: 40
ATK: 3
DEF: 8
MAG: 4
SPD: 3
LCK: 2
Skills: "Diamond Claws" The enemy bleeds for a few seconds causing it to slowly lose health -2SP, "Kitten Love" Causes another party member to restore 10 health -1SP, "The Magic of Cats" Gain 5 SP -2 Turns, "Loud Meow" The enemy is more focused on it's ears hurting (they lose 1HP every 2 seconds) than attacking (the enemy attacks less) and it lasts for 30 seconds -6SP, "Mega Claws" The enemy loses 150 health -40SP, "Social Cat" Summons another cat to fight for 20 seconds doing 1 damage every second -5SP, "Diamond Heart" Increases all party members' defense by 3 for the entire battle -3SP, "Evolution" Mutates into a tiger for 3 turns, dealing 10 more damage -4SP.
Limit Break: "Giga Claws" The enemy bleeds for 2 minutes and will increase all stats by x0.2 until the end of the battle and will take 250 damage -9999LP
Weak To: Curse
Strong Against: Nuclear

The Diamond Feline.gif
Name: Cattus (AKA The Diamond Feline)
Lv. 1
HP: 100
SP: 40
ATK: 3
DEF: 8
MAG: 4
SPD: 3
LCK: 2%
"Diamond Claws" The enemy bleeds for a few turns causing it to slowly lose HP. (3% HP)
"Kitten Love" Heals another party member. Base power 10. (2 SP)
"The Magic of Cats" Gain a small amount of SP. (2 turn cooldown)
"Loud Meow" Makes the target's ears hurt so they lose HP every 1 turn than attacking (the enemy attacks less). Lasts for 3 turns. Base power 3. (6 SP)
"Mega Claws" Deals large Physical damage. Base power 40. (23% HP)
"Social Cat" Summons another cat to fight for 5 turns doing 4 damage every turn. (5 SP)
"Diamond Heart" Increases all party members' DEF by 3 for the entire battle. (20 SP)
"Evolution" Mutates into a tiger for 3 turns, dealing 10 more damage. (13 SP)
Limit Break: "Giga Claws" The enemy bleeds for 8 turns and will increase all stats by x1.2 until the end of the battle. (9999 LP)
Weak To: Curse
Strong Against: Nuclear

Appearance: View attachment 225316
There isn't a "time system", so I changed a LOT of your skills' functions. Also, a few of your skills are physical, and since they use HP instead of SP, I made their costs change. Also put in a few buffs/nerfs.
HP: 100 -> 87
ATK: 3 -> 4
DEF: 8 -> 7
Diamond Claws: 2 SP -> 3% HP
Kitten Love: 1 SP -> 2 SP
The Magic of Cats: Can now potentially restore more than 5 SP.
Loud Meow: Can now potentially deal more than 1 damage.
Mega Claws: 40 SP -> 23% HP
Social Cat: Increased base power.
Diamond Heart: 3 SP -> 20 SP
Evolution: 4 SP -> 13 SP

Cattus sees the fight and joins in.

Enemy Team
Bandit A: 26/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP
Bandit B: 69/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP

The Party (0.61% TP)
David: Lv. 1 (0/20) 31/84 HP, 18/26 SP, 3/5 BP, 17/9999 LP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 1% LCK (Ready)
Wircavil: Lv. 1 (0/20) 89/89 HP, 14/20 SP, 3/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Cyan: Lv. 1 (0/20) 81/82 HP, 37/37 SP, 3/5 BP, 1/9999 LP, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK
Cattus: Lv. 1 (0/20) 87/87 HP, 40/40 SP, 1/5 BP, 0/9999 LP 4 ATK, 7 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 2% LCK

Turn Queue: Bandit B, Bandit A, Cyan, David, Wircavil, Cattus
Next Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, David, Cattus, Wircavil
Heads up, if you want to make a move, you just have to make a post saying what you will do.

(Otherwise if you do nothing the game will automatically pick a move for you)
a physical attack
[doublepost=1565737982,1565737870][/doublepost]What about the limit break? Does it just do 250 damage now?
a physical attack
[doublepost=1565737982,1565737870][/doublepost]What about the limit break? Does it just do 250 damage now?
OOC: Short answer: It might.
Firstly, you should know the formula. The formula is: Base power x ATK (or MAG) / Enemy's DEF = damage. So with that in mind, you might deal more or less than that.
(Autoing others)
Bandit B attacks!
Wircavil took 4 damage! (85/89 HP)

Bandit A attacks!
Cyan took 2 damage! (79/82 HP)

Cyan used Hyper Cyan Beam! (27/37 SP)
Bandit B took 16 damage! (53/86 HP)

David used MAX Vajra Blast! (0/5 BP, 19/84 HP)
Bandit A took 24 damage! (2/86 HP)
Bandit B took 27 damage! (42/86 HP)

Wircavil used Fireball! (11/20 SP)
Bandit B took 10 damage! (32/86 HP)

Cattus attacks!
Bandit B took 13 damage! (19/86 HP)

Seeing how low my HP is, I decide to use Mediarama to restore everyone's HP.

Enemy Team

Bandit A: 2/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP
Bandit B: 19/86 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 MAG, 4 SPD, 2% LCK, 18 G, 2 EXP

The Party (1.26% TP)
David: Lv. 1 (0/20) 19/84 HP, 18/26 SP, 0/5 BP, 17/9999 LP, 5 ATK, 1 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 1% LCK (Ready)
Wircavil: Lv. 1 (0/20) 85/89 HP, 11/20 SP, 4/5 BP, 2/9999 LP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF, 3 MAG, 3 SPD, 3% LCK
Cyan: Lv. 1 (0/20) 79/82 HP, 37/37 SP, 4/5 BP, 2/9999 LP, 2 ATK, 6 DEF, 3 MAG, 4 SPD, 3% LCK
Cattus: Lv. 1 (0/20) 87/87 HP, 40/40 SP, 2/5 BP, 0/9999 LP, 4 ATK, 7 DEF, 4 MAG, 3 SPD, 2% LCK

Turn Queue: Cyan, Bandit A, Bandit B, David, Cattus, Wircavil
Next Turn Queue: Bandit A, Cyan, Bandit B, Wircavil, Cattus, David
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