Expert Hardcore and Traps and Medusas: A litle rant.

If you don't want to read my little introduction and just the rant, skip everything that's going to be written here before the bar.

My little introduction:
This is my very first topic post, and probably will be the last in here, but I'll be checking this thread from time to time to see if it gets any responses.
I'm a hardcore gamer, I'm not the best gamer out there and I don't play games professionaly, however I'm AN extremely passionate one.
I've beaten Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup multiple times - a game in which 95% of players never ever beat it, and the most dedicated players rarely beat it more than once every 20 or so attempts;
I've also beaten Crypt of the Necrodancer all-zones-run with every character except for coda.
I've reached Diamond 4 in league of legends and I've been confortably sitting on high platinum on all queues across the years while playing the game once or twice every two weeks.
Now, I could keep on mentioning other dificult achievements but I think I've made my point, which is that I'm a top 1% gamer at worst.
I know that there's a chance that you won't believe me since I'm not posting any evidence. I'm being little lazy, but trust me.


The rant:
Which brings me to my point. I was never ever able to beat hardcore expert terraria. This really frustrates me. Now you could just be telling me to git gud or calling me noob, or even to alt-f4-uninstall, but I think that there's a real chance that the game is just being unfair/unbalanced.
As you've read on the tittle, traps and medusas are responsible for about 70% of all my characters deaths, the other 30% being fall damage, sharks, whatever that op :red: hardmore mage goblin name is, lunar pillars' spawnlings and moonlord once.

I'm fine with the deaths that occurred in the 30% margin, what I'm pissed about are the traps and medusas, which have very little counterplay that seem more like bad design and overlook than intended dificulty spikes.

For instance, traps do absurd ammounts of damage, in the early game dart traps can 2 shot you, and are the most dificult hazard you'll find troughout the game. And boulders can 90% to one shot even the tankiest end game characters if you have the slight unluck.

Now, I'm not saying that traps should be directly nerfed, what I want is a better answer than :red:ting out dangersence potions which competes blinkroots with mining, spelunker, endurance and swiftness potions untill you get your first wire cutter which takes a permanent item slot in your inventory.

The absolute worst thing about traps is that by the time you get the chance to use them, their damage is already medíocre compared to your weapons and astronomical enemy health and damage reduction, paired with the fact that monsters take 1/4 of the damage of the trap. And on top of all this, they have to compete with lava pits.
Which makes it so the only real use of regular dart traps to be Bird engine reseters, which can be done by just walking away and despawning the birds.

I'm no game developer, but I'd say a good solution to all this bull:red: is giving a chance for a Golden chest to contain some kind of item with a wire visibility property.

And now to medusas: Either remove the increased fall damage from being turned into a gargoyle or give access to na anti-stoned debuff item before hardmode.

Medusas are by far the deadliest enemies in the game, not because of their damage, but simply because their field of view is much bigger than yours. which makes it so that they're able to sniper :red: you across the screen before you ever have the chance to see it, heck, before you ever have a chance to see a marble biome, this is in my opinion poor developer design.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love playing terraria. I've been playing it for years now and I'll most likely still be playing for years to come. Just please. Fix these little issues.
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Medusa has already been incredibly nerfed in the past and I believe the devs have said that she's going to stay the way she is. Personally, I don't mind. I find her pretty harmless since the nerf. Her stoning gaze's range is severely limited now.

As for an item to show wires... Once you have rescued both the goblin and tinkerer, you'll have one. Until then, danger potions should be enough.

Expert mode is for expert Terraria players. Hardcore is for the... hardcore. Playing both together will be an absolute nightmare, as it's supposed to be, and you seem to know that. It's not for everyone. Heck, I'd be surprised if 0,01% of Terraria players even try this path of masochism.
So if it seems too hard for you, it might just be because it is. And that's fine, really. The number of people who go through Expert mode without dying once is undoubtedly very limited indeed. Don't lose sleep over it. :)
I'm no game developer, but I'd say a good solution to all this bull:red: is giving a chance for a Golden chest to contain some kind of item with a wire visibility property.
As for an item to show wires... Once you have rescued both the goblin and tinkerer, you'll have one.

Any scavenged pressure-plate or dart trap can serve as such an item, long before rescuing either NPC or even finding a gold chest. A switch from the upper part of the dungeon would work as well. You just need to be careful/observant until you get one.
Any scavenged pressure-plate or dart trap can serve as such an item, long before rescuing either NPC or even finding a gold chest. A switch from the upper part of the dungeon would work as well. You just need to be careful/observant until you get one.
You're absolutely right! I completely forgot. /shame
Sorry, I must've confused the items, I was reffering to the whatever item builds into the mechanical lenz, not the wire cutter itself.
I didn't mention this but I thought it was implied: Juggling between your items and a dart trap/pressure plate is annoying as :red: and conter productive. Not a good game design IMO.
It's poorly designed, that I can agree with. But in my opinion they should have simply hidden natural-spawning wire completely.
People shouldn't be allowed to see wires while holding a pressure plate. The whole thing is rather cheaty.
So, feel lucky that you can, and abuse it to make your life easier. You'll get the Grand Design soon enough to turn on wire-view permanently.
I've never understood why people have so much trouble with Medusa, even before she was nerfed. I have never, ever died to her, not once.
You really shouldn't be dying to sharks.

I know it's only one of a couple of examples, but I too have never had any issue with Medusa.

At that point anyways, ANY underground expedition should be under a Hunter AND Dangersense potion. It's tedious, but necessary.
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