Expert Mode or Normal Mode?

Expert or Normal?

  • Expert Mode

    Votes: 26 86.7%
  • Normal Mode

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
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I'll try expert mode with a new character and play with my two previous characters and worlds if they work in 1.3.
I figure I'll probably have enough new things to see and do without jumping right into expert mode for my first world/character in in 1.3. Though I'll certainly give it at least a quick try at some point soon.
I'm going for normal mode first to know loot and enemies then I will jump to expert mode with new char, simply I will be able to evaluate worth of expert loots without going to spoilers to know which are expert only and considering how hard to solo were pre 1.3 events without top loot from them, there's no need to hurry possible frustration.
I'm going to have a normal world for singleplayer and am encouraging my friends to do so too, but have an expert mode world for multiplayer but when we play together it'll be a bit more laid back. Everyone is going to be experiencing 1.3 at different times, so I'm not going to have two characters or budgeted time. Plus expert mode multiplayer sounds fun.
SInce expert mode will balance out bosses according to how many players there are, I think that is the only real choice anymore if you want a challenging experience with friends. Always disliked how we could bum rush all bosses down with 2-3 of us with relative ease.
I'll begin a new world with expert mode enabled, and enjoy the game as I normally do, progressing and eventually get to expert mode. I don't think it's possible to experience everything that 1.3 has to offer without beginning a new world, so that's my goal.
Normal first. Mainly because I want to check out all the new stuff in a reasonably safe environment, including the new bosses.
Seeing as how my boss fighting skills are mediocre at the best of times, I think normal mode for a little bit longer wouldn't hurt. Definitely going to check Expert mode out at some point though.

Expert mode of course
I'm gonna do a normal mode playthrough first, after I get comfortable with new mobs, bosses, events etc. I'll do expert mode :)
I know I'll try expert mode eventually, but I want to explore the new update in normal mode. I MIGHT start in expert mode, but probably not. I'll just make two characters.
I think I'm only going to play one playthrough and then stop playing for a while, so it depends on how insanely hard Expert Mode is going to be. I wouldn't want to be extremely frustrated just so I can see ALL the changes. On the other hand...

Ugh, I'm going to be here all night...
Can anyone help me decide?
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Normal on my first playthrough. That's mostly because the friend that I play with is... not quite as good at Terraria as I am. She hates the idea of losing 75% cash on every death :P
I'll try normal to check the new stuff that appeared in the game, and then I'll switch to Expert Mode to meet other challenges.
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