PC Fastest Terrarian ever! (portal gun speed boosts)

With every change I made I did a few rounds of testing. This is where I end up after filling most of the track up with honey.

(included the wires so you can see where the teleporters are)

How I skip all those pressure plates (18 of them) at only 1000 mph, I dunno. I guess I could have clipped through half of width of the tiles under the teleporters and flew under the plates, but that doesn't explain why I stopped there. (Maybe because I exited the honey at that point?) I wish I could 'see' what is going on but I'm have difficulty catching it on slowmo.

The only parts of the Celestial Shell that I'm using is autoswim and not having breath meter.
I had assumed you were using honey because it slowed your movement through it. With the shell on you are not slowed in water (and lava? I forget) and the fishron wings do the same in all liquids. You can still use the swim function to increase speed, but without the slowing effect its, functionally, not too different than flying up with wings out of water. (Although, it would remove the issue I have with the flying time not resetting sometimes)

I kind of figured if there was clipping through, your designs few posts back with their single block slopes would have much more trouble with it, so I kind of dropped it.
When I was first testing at at +1000 speeds I would pause the game to see try to see what was going on. Sometimes I would get lucky and pause it with my character inside part of the slope, but the collision detection seems to have something to compensate for that and I never clipped through. I think its that 'something' that is breaking down with the addition of the fluids and causing us to clip through the slope.
With every change I made I did a few rounds of testing. This is where I end up after filling most of the track up with honey.

(included the wires so you can see where the teleporters are)

How I skip all those pressure plates (18 of them) at only 1000 mph, I dunno. I guess I could have clipped through half of width of the tiles under the teleporters and flew under the plates, but that doesn't explain why I stopped there. (Maybe because I exited the honey at that point?) I wish I could 'see' what is going on but I'm have difficulty catching it on slowmo.

I had assumed you were using honey because it slowed your movement through it. With the shell on you are not slowed in water (and lava? I forget) and the fishron wings do the same in all liquids. You can still use the swim function to increase speed, but without the slowing effect its, functionally, not too different than flying up with wings out of water. (Although, it would remove the issue I have with the flying time not resetting sometimes)

When I was first testing at at +1000 speeds I would pause the game to see try to see what was going on. Sometimes I would get lucky and pause it with my character inside part of the slope, but the collision detection seems to have something to compensate for that and I never clipped through. I think its that 'something' that is breaking down with the addition of the fluids and causing us to clip through the slope.
This is rocket science to me xD
I guess it's the same clipping I had, just occurring in a different place because track dimensions are different. Will need to build it and run a few tests, probably today. Will also try messing raising honey level on the old world backup to see if place where you exit the honey affects where you clip into. Maybe there's some brief glitch when transitioning from liquids.

As for why you're skipping the plates(I hope you meant 21 plates, based on wires), I might have an idea but it's pretty far fetched. Teleportation area seems to be less than 3 tiles. If you place a pressure plate above leftmost tile, you can slowly walk(npcs seem to walk slowly enough to do it too) into the plate from the left you will trigger it(you'll hear the 'click' sound) without triggering teleporter below. If you trigger teleporter from that exact position with a switch, it won't teleport you either, so it's not a pressure plate bug. I doubt you're landing on that magic pixel several times in a row, but they might have some other weird quirks. Just add more and hope they start catching you guess.

I think i understand this bit now
Water is doing the same thing, but only without the Celestial Shell. (it removes the movement penalty in water)
It was referencing this?
I think i'll try to build a water based accelerator to see if that helps. Would have to readjust dimensions for water physics though, and that will probably be alot of trial and error or luck.
You're right, I didn't think about that. Guess all my water based tracks were still jumping powered, and I switched to swimming and honey at the same time. Either way, I didn't get around to build water based one, so thank you for saving me time on that mistake.
Thanks for mentioning about fishron wings too. Wings seem to have better upwards maximum speed, but might have slower acceleration. Will need to try switching to wings + frog legs in liquid at some point. Would have to remove some honey to be able to breathe though.

Currently I'm working on a design, that will hopefully eliminate issues caused by collision and clipping. It's basically a pool of honey suspended in bubble blocks. Two portal surfaces(both vertical) are ghosted from both sides(can you ghost from top and bottom?). Teleporters are actuated and stand on platforms(might give me some slowdown but shouldn't). Trying to get teleporter coverage right so I can begin testing.
[doublepost=1463425953,1463407566][/doublepost]I think I might have figured out why this happens, and amazingly enough it's our fault :p

Correct me if I'm wrong, but game handles slopes and 1 block high elevations by basically clipping you into it, and letting the physics handle it on the next tick. If it's a sloped block, physics shifts your position in 1 tick. If it's a regular block or a half block game seems to do this gradually. Everything seems perfectly fine. We run towards the slope, it hoiks us up and we keep running. Except that we're moving pretty fast. And after slope ends, instead of getting stuck inside a sloped block, we get stuck in a regular one. As long as we're only 1 block deep, we're mostly fine. Physics will gradually push us up. It will probably even allow us to clip our feet into adjacent blocks so we can keep moving without stopping. By the way, we just clipped under our 1st teleporter trigger. Here comes 2nd trigger. Will physics push us up in time to trigger it? Whee, it did it, and we trigger the teleporter on the 2nd trigger. Everything is fine. Except that our feet were still clipped inside the floor when we teleported. And we arrived at the other teleporter with our feet clipped inside the floor. Everything's fine! We still have time to recover, there's some blocks one the way to the slope. Except that we're going pretty fast.

(See attachment 1)

Hello wall. Hello portal.

(See attachment 2)

Whoa, where am I and where did my speed go?

Thanks for reading, you've been a wonderful audience! :) I'm sure it was insufferable

Anyway, see Attachment 3

This quick alteration basically solves detection problem on recovery teleporters until you start warping in really long steps, in which case, just build longer recovery tunnel and start adding more teleporters. It also tries to tackle warping inside the slope, but failing miserably. In theory those lower hoik teeth don't actually do anything because you're no longer clipping up from under the teleporter. Solution might be to have a 1 tile thick slope and having two rows of recovery teleporters down there, hooked to some engine.

It was fun figuring it out. Please do tell me if something doesn't fit this theory.

Now I'll have to decide if should continue working on collisionless one, or switch back to this kind. Tough choices :)

Edit1: P.S. I meant no disrespect to terraria's engine. It's pretty amazing

Edit2: Just confirmed for myself that portals have a cooldown. They also seem to have individual cooldowns on each portal but not quite sure on that yet. Also, it seems wings/double jumps/etc need more than 1 tick on the ground to reset.

Final edit: I give up. I think that problem with slope design was that eventually you'd clip into slope deep enough that you'd be inside 3 hoik teeth and rightmost would block you from going up. Then the portal cooldown would expire and teleport you, adding 1mph to your current 0mph. You place a hoik tooth pointing down and right under that it would save you, pushing you to bottom recovery teleporters. Or you could just try to angle your path that at most you'd ever be hitting 2 topmost slope tiles. I tried both approaches. Then gave up slopes. Then gave up collisions. Then just gave up. I think I might be hitting those oscillation things, but it's impossible to see in honey. I made some attempts to shift or break them with timer teleporting me to a different track with slightly different lengths, and it did nothing. At this point I'm not sure of anything anymore. Clipping and warping might not have ever been an issue. I'll just stick to hitting things that take damage when I hit them.


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1.4 Inner tubes are superior to portal gun it seems
3839 mph.png

(although the Inner Tube cannon I used to get this speed uses portal guns and teleporter )
Wow. How did you get that speed lol? It was quite hard for me.

Did you combine the Inner Tube and portal boosting?
Just a stack of teleporters in a shaft filled with water. I tried so many different configuration and mechanisms to get around the limitation that going up doesn't trigger pressure plates.......until I found out that just going fast enough will bypass that limitation. After that it , the design was simple.

I also put out a video showing it.
I did the funny
Also, got this
(All in Vanilla Terraria without any mods/hacks)

My speed is refusing to go over ~136959 mph, I am pretty sure I found the speed cap or something

Nevermind I stepped out of my Inner Tube Cannon and it doubled my speed.
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That's crazy... XD

and... then, a bit curious, what would that do to jousting lance type weapons, which gain more attack power, the faster you are...?
That's crazy... XD

and... then, a bit curious, what would that do to jousting lance type weapons, which gain more attack power, the faster you are...?
Yeah so..... Jousting Lances basically don't land a hit when you go that fast, At least it doesn't get registered easily.
That's crazy... XD

and... then, a bit curious, what would that do to jousting lance type weapons, which gain more attack power, the faster you are...?
If the damage formula I got for the lance holds, it would do ~2 million damage a hit non crit.
I got a speed much, much, much faster by using the slime mount while going down into the first portal (yellow) and toggling it mid-air between the two portals because of the slime mounts properties of increasing falling speed and the angle at which you mount it you not only gain higher starting momentum but also get an upwards dash like movement to gain altitude plus using the space wall trick lets you clip and start falling above the edge of the game (just remember to mine the blocks on your way down) also because of how terraria display speed in the relativity of fps your computer will crash after you hit 310 the pest way to aid for this is to frequently auto-pause your game while in portals and save as well if you are on pc. (also I used bahmunts wing technique) I will send screenshots in an edit in a little while at school right now UwU.
EDIT it looks like bahmunt still has a higher MPH than me, I cannot although that, this is war!
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I was just thinking the same thing after opening up this old thread. Kinda hard to beat Mappy at any top score.
Just gonna say, I might have been able to beat Mappy's speed record some time ago. I got
in water a while ago which is a little less than 1000 mph faster than what Mappy got in water. I accidentally stepped out of the cannon, reached this speed again the next day and accidentally stopped again, then didn't try this since because it takes over an hour to get that speed and also I'm lazy.

Edit (13/9/21) : I just found a way to theoretically get 750000mph, it works really well on lower speeds but I haven't been able to get it to work on speeds faster than 100000mph. I'll keep trying I guess.
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You mortals 😈 you have no clue what's possible I've more than tripled your speeds I'm sorry guys my speed is up to 700+ mph 🤣🤦 and it's without the portal technic 🔥
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