PC Fastest Terrarian ever! (portal gun speed boosts)

Because the top was blocked off, something I found necessary at 350+, you start the loop from outside to reach 179. After its started, you have to re position the entry portal so can start the acceleration loop. Can be a bit tricky to get because of the teleporter loop, but not too hard. After the acceleration is started you have to continue to re position the entry portal as the speed rises to keep in the loop, until the entry portal is even with the exit portal. I generally do it around 200, 250, and 270. With that you should have no problems until about 320. Now the comes the hardest part of this. At 320-330, you no longer trigger the portals by sliding over them, but there is a work around. For some reason, jumping and pulsing your wings will trigger the portal if you hit it right. So from 330 on you have to do that to gain any speed increase at all. Although, after 350-360 all you have is how space bar and the speed goes up. Not sure why this is, but from what little I could make out, you seem not go from portal to portal like before. You go from exit portal to teleporter to entry portal and increase speed that way. So at that point the position of the entry relative to the exit no long matters. This became important when I stalled out at 665. I thought I had gone as far as I could go, till I re positioned the entry portal a little higher and was able to accelerate again. This happened again at 873, but I couldn't find a position that would do anything, not that you can really AIM at those speeds. lol

I took the teleporter set-up from Sulejman probably a little farther than I needed to, but at 480+ sometimes I'd bypass 4 or 5 teleporters at a time. It might be a bug. Wouldn't surprised it it was, at those speeds it looked like the rendering engine was having a seizure. lol
It's unexpected to hear that using wings helps with avoiding portal skip, is that the only method you used to achieve... 873 mph? Now that's bizzare velocity! You achieved hyperspeed of more than 10 tpt! My predictions based solely on repositioning entry portal in the loop, if the portal skip is caused by a stationary gap between player positioning each tick. I can't safely say there are other reasons.

My observation was that if portal skip starts to occur, it is possible to slow down to start the loop again. Your solution with wings could be similar in terms of avoiding repeated skip. I don't know yet, as I wasn't using wings the entire time.

Seems like I'll have to make a new facility to keep up with you.

EDIT: I've only just thought about this: 873mph is more than 10 tpt, which equals 1200 feet per second. With large world's width 16634 feet, you could travel the world in 15 seconds. This surprisingly makes hyperspeed useful in a way.
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You achieved hyperspeed of more than 10 tpt!
>800mph; madness. I'm very surprised that you guys aren't regularly ghosting though those diagonal frozen slime block slopes... I mean, presuming the game's collision detection engine doesn't change when holding a portal gun gun too and generally works the way I assumed - blindly displacing the player by their velocity vector then checking for solid block overlaps. Maybe that's only true vertically, and there's some kind of horizontal interpolation to check for the path crossing a solid block boundary?...

The wiki currently states "If you gain enough momentum, you can sometimes use the Portal Gun to fire yourself through walls." So, anyway, if you are going through the diagonal, skipping straight through the portal, then to reason you couldn't setup teleporters behind the slope too, right?

And a quick note on teleporter wiring - you shouldn't need a one-to-one wiring as shown here:
When multiple pads are connected on the same wire you will always be sent to the furthest pad (by wire route length). So a single destination should do the job (and possibly help reduce setup size). With all the catching pads and pressure plates on the same wire you would also be able to rule out any possibility of player having moved past the pad below in the time it takes to activate (should be an instantaneous interrupt, as I understand it, but you never know; people have said the game does do things concurrently, badly coordinated).

Keep pushing. And documenting. :happy:
It's unexpected to hear that using wings helps with avoiding portal skip, is that the only method you used to achieve... 873 mph?
Yes, that is the only thing that I know is different in what I did. And I have no idea WHY it works, other than it introduces a new vector that interrupts the portal skip.

When multiple pads are connected on the same wire you will always be sent to the furthest pad (by wire route length).
I tried that briefly and had weird results, like teleporting to middle at times. I did that to have one less headache to deal with (watching my character flicker all over the screen like the Roadrunner on speed makes my eyes hurt after a while lol)

>800mph; madness.
..and climbing

yes, that is four '1's

I'm very surprised that you guys aren't regularly ghosting though those diagonal frozen slime block slopes...
I've been waiting for it every time the speed goes up

So, anyway, if you are going through the diagonal, skipping straight through the portal, then to reason you couldn't setup teleporters behind the slope too, right?
I'll have to try that at some point and see what happens.
[DOUBLEPOST=1437944506,1437925539][/DOUBLEPOST]I had to post this when I reached this speed. Look at all the teleporters I'm skipping. lol

On a side note, the speed at which I'm moving is starting to make optical illusions. Its flickering and choppy, but every so often My character looks like she is going up the slope at barely walking speed.

Update: Mach 2

Update 2: Mach 3

And I'm running out of teleporters lol
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Will be great to see a video!

The beginning probably till about 400 or so will be great to see, but the rest becomes almost painful after a while. Hmm, maybe if I build it on the edge of the world so the screen doesn't move it would look better, Or at the very least it wouldn't turn my brain to goo....sorry couldn't help myself lol. I think the flickering has driven me a little crazy...whats that? Nevermind, I'm good the voice in my head said you can't so crazy from this.
The beginning probably till about 400 or so will be great to see, but the rest becomes almost painful after a while. Hmm, maybe if I build it on the edge of the world so the screen doesn't move it would look better, Or at the very least it wouldn't turn my brain to goo....sorry couldn't help myself lol. I think the flickering has driven me a little crazy...whats that? Nevermind, I'm good the voice in my head said you can't so crazy from this.
"Trust me Bahamut, why won't you trust yourself? I am you. Or maybe not. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. oh, that one is just a crazy voice. Nothing good comes from listening to him. Everything will be fine, Bahamut. Just press that button, nothing wrong can happen"

I hear the same things from my mechanic. She's been talking to me for two days straight.
Hmm, maybe if I build it on the edge of the world so the screen doesn't move it would look better, Or at the very least it wouldn't turn my brain to goo...
I think your setup will be too big for the screen edge dead-zone (Gameiki mod did have camera controls that would help, but I've never used it and don't know if it's currently functional with 1.3). I think they patched the teleporter/spawn edge of map crash issues, so that shouldn't get in the way. Although you may pass through some Event Horizon and end up in hell worst than the one at the bottom of the map! :eek:...

Anyway. Launching from one side of a large world, it should only take you, what, 5-6 seconds to cross to the other extreme now? (Provided you don't smash into any floating islands.) How long does it take to spool up to top speed?
I've been waiting for it every time the speed goes up
There must be new collision physics (with the gun) then. It must be clocked faster or entirely asynchronous to the regular 60Hz tick. Which might explain the weird teleporter behaviour...
I tried that briefly and had weird results, like teleporting to middle at times.
Perhaps it's dealing with multiple concurrent activations, so teleporting you to the destination and back out again instantaneously (although that wouldn't necessarily explain ending up in the middle. Made any 60fps recordings to flick through the frames?
I think your setup will be too big for the screen edge dead-zone
I might try to compact the design

How long does it take to spool up to top speed?
I looong time. I know Terraria doesn't follow many laws of physics and I pretty sure there is no calculations for mass in the game, but it does follow one of the more annoying laws. As your speed gets higher, it gets harder to go faster.

I also noticed that at some point I started to catch the portals automatically again. It was odd because when I noticed. There was an optical illusion of my character sliding down the slope, the opposite way I was actually going, and when the illusion touched the portal, I entered it and started back at the top of the slope. I say this because after I hit mach 3, I just sat there and let it run for a few minutes thinking about how to improve it. When I looked up, the speed had gone up on its own. Although, the increase is only like 1 mph every 10-15 secs.

Made any 60fps recordings to flick through the frames?
Not yet, I don't even have recording software. Might want to fix that. Any suggestions?
portals automatically again
Ah, right, so you do need to have your phase, I mean step length, locked to the distance between exit portal and entrance (at super-high speeds). In theory, if you could (reliably) tweak your horizontal off-set each time around, you should be able to hit the portal reliably too. But this will vary by speed... And the teleporters *might* be unreliable, or just prone to the same kind of speed selectivity... But fiddling with your design, I might expect that small changes in pad spacing or relative distances might suddenly hit some sweet spots (or dead zones).
1 mph every 10-15 secs.
Yikes, so this really would make for an slow anticipation build-up video...
I don't even have recording software. Might want to fix that. Any suggestions?
I imagine the free version of Fraps will still do short clips for free (I paid for a licence some years ago. Used it a lot since.) There have been other recommendation around here somewhere.
Gimme a break.
I've been quite busy lately and had no time to keep up with the way things accelerate here (pun intended).
I have to say, I've been having a blast with this the past couple days. I think I have it figured out. You add velocity at speeds above about 330MPH by jumping (I think) with wings. I think the game engine fudges and adds speed from flying (or jumping) that gets converted to pure horizontal momentum of your character from the exit portal. The method you need to apply this seems to change depending on your speed. I was getting away with holding down jump until my speed stalled, which usually coincided with missing the portal. I got to a point where no entry portal position was working on the slope, and had to put it on a flat surface to hit it. I raised it 1 block, maybe important maybe not. It did give me 1491 MPH before I hit the literal wall of my teleporter intertia retention system.

I really wanna make a world-long frozen slime block skyway I can rod of discord onto. Put a teleporter or 100 on the other end that send you back to the beginning for infinite fun!

Highly recommended to build this on a world edge to induce less headache from watching the game freak out, and much easier portal aiming. I made one at first in the middle and that is disorienting to say the least. It still goes up and down but 1 less degree of wobbulation is very welcome. You can actually see individual positions of each tick and kinda make estimates on where to put the portal, as well as how far into your teleporters you are warping through before hitting a pressure plate. I was traveling through my rig in what seemed like 4 or 5 ticks at the top speed. Insane.

Screencap on imgur
Just a quick thought: when you wear shadow (corruption) armour, and it gives you a trail, do the shadows trailing behind represent you previous actual positions? If so, how many ticks behind is each? Simply {tab} pausing the game may let us see a frame-by frame breakdown of what's actually happening with the motion/collision physics...

Also, I had another little play with this, and am increasingly convinced that horizontal speed increase per portal loop is down primarily to fall speed (y axis), which is all lumped into the horizontal when the exit portal is on a straight-up wall. So, the key to gaining speed faster should be to make the horizontal distance between exit and (re)entry as long as possible, to gain as much fall speed as possible. (Doesn't bode well for a compact setup.) Have the re-turn (destination) teleporter pad(s) high up too (floating and actuated) so as the fall straight down into the portal. (I imagine you guys know better though, just rambling again.)
While trying to replicate hyperspeed effect at the corner of underworld, I've come across various odd bugs.
First of all, minions disappear when at the edge of the world. They just do. One moment they're here, floating off-screen and returning, then suddenly I am attacked by dumb hellbats and my protector is gone. Could be an issue with Stardust Dragon only, I didn't check it for other minions.
Second, I've had some play with different designs of asphal-t. Speed is only gained while falling, if I place both portals at the same height, they won't accelerate me (at least at speed below 300mph, I couldn't duplicate the effect).
Third, and most important, is that portal skipping occurs later when distance between portals is higher. So what I need is probably a longer thing.

Yes, I do wish to break the barrier of 330mph without using the wings trick.
Oh, and I also thought back to a possible 'application' for this: dial up the speed until you match exactly with the projectile speed of a weapon, release and repeatedly shoot while sliding across the map, teleport ahead a little and summon a boss to be insta-killed. i.e. like @Vazilin's previous Fishron speed-kill (see his thread), but now with being able to match pretty much any speed, even bullets. Disclaimer: I'm not sure how long bullets persist. Also, it has to be a 'non-piecing' projectile type, like the ones shown in the various (old) records. (I also wonder if portal gun fall speed, or slime mount, might happen to match with arrow fall speed, e.g. see Golem speed kill.)
portal skipping occurs later when distance between portals is higher.
Yeah I noticed that too when I was trying to make it smaller. I had a vague idea to make multiple slopes hooked up to a series of long cascade timers to actuate the them in to the background to make it longer when the speed goes up. Not sure if that is even need though.

speed until you match exactly with the projectile speed of a weapon,
I'm not sure how long bullets persist.
The speed of musket balls is ~161 mph (speed of individual bullets seems to vary slightly), they persist for ~1200 ft. (Edit: feet not blocks) The tests I ran on a target dummy netted me 12k - 13k dps

I imagine you guys know better though
Input is always welcome ^_^

1 less degree of wobbulation is very welcome
My kingdom for a Gameiki mod update lol
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I can get from a dead stop to 179 MPH by doing a little flying to stay airborne from exit to entry portal. Speed seems to go up when I'm flying, and doesn't go down when I'm falling and holding the portal gun. This is my reasoning for why I think the flying is what adds speed when the self-acceleration stalls past about 330 MPH.

I have made good on my threat of a world-long frozen slime block platform. My current setup seems to stall just over 1700MPH, I think I need to make this thing bigger to go faster. It was enough to traverse my large world in under 7 seconds. http://tinypic.com/r/256xy0p/8

This game feels like slow motion now when I'm not making warp speed noises in this contraption. Thanks guys.
break the barrier of 330mph without using the wings trick.
I think I found something for that.

Elevating the output teleporter (the bottom one is not wired atm) so it launches you in mid air has allowed me to get to 500+ without using my wings, just had to re position the portal a couple of times. Although, its starts to really slow down past 450.

Also I found the position of the portal effects to be odd. They are roughly 6 blocks away from the portals, which is the distance I go per tick at those speeds. I can under stand the exit portal, but why is the entry portal like that also? Maybe it draws the effect at my position in the previous tick when I enter?

My current setup seems to stall just over 1700MPH
Did you try re positioning the entry portal? I stalled out several times one my way to mach 3, and just kept re positioning till I found a spot that worked.

This game feels like slow motion now when I'm not making warp speed noises in this contraption.
I know! I was using my mechanical minecart yesterday and was like, "...Was it always this slow?"
Also I found the position of the portal effects to be odd. They are roughly 6 blocks away from the portals, which is the distance I go per tick at those speeds. I can under stand the exit portal, but why is the entry portal like that also? Maybe it draws the effect at my position in the previous tick when I enter?

The game does physics calculations using the player's projected position, not their true position. Obviously, I can't check every occurrence, but it's the case for the portal entry check. That is, the game uses player.position + player.velocity rather than just player.position to determine if you've come in contact with the portal surface. If so, it runs the teleport routine and updates your velocity and position. It also spawns the appropriate dust effects during that tick. So it's actually spawning at your current position the tick when teleportation takes place! You never actually get anywhere near the portal, but the game knows you will at the next tick, so why wait?
I'm very surprised that you guys aren't regularly ghosting though those diagonal frozen slime block slopes
From this screen shot we may actually BE ghosting a bit. I know nothing about the collision detection code, but maybe it take speed into account when figuring if you hit a block?


An image of character ghosting into blocks

Just a quick thought: when you wear shadow (corruption) armour, and it gives you a trail, do the shadows trailing behind represent you previous actual positions?

As far as I can tell, the after images do reflect your actual position and trail you 1-3 ticks. The others trail the after image in front of them the same.

Edit: After going through a video frame by frame, I don't think after images actually move. They appear to be stationary, are created every 3 ticks, and persist for ~10 ticks.

The game does physics calculations using the player's projected position, not their true position.
Thanks for the explanation, I don't know near as much about code as I would like to.
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The thing is, I've tried doing this with the wings... it just doesn't work to me. I've been flapping them, and just tapping a little and doing all kinds of wing stuff, but max speed just got lower than 330 from that...