tModLoader Floor Is Lava - Mod


Floor Is Lava
Anything man-made is safe to stand on, but the floor will hurt you.

The idea really is just to play Terraria differently with a handicap, kind of similar to people who do the merfolk or dwarf challenges.

Generally all the blocks you find in abundance will hurt to touch, but wood, furniture, ore, and crafted blocks will be safe to touch. This means you can still build a house out of like stone slabs, and perhaps people may want a more extreme version where only furniture works which I could do if enough wanted, but the idea was more to make traveling or spelunking feel different. You are given 20 seconds on login to get to a safe place before the debuff becomes active.

Blocks that will hurt to touch are:
  • Dirt
  • Grass
  • Sand
  • Sandstone
  • SnowBlock
  • Mud
  • CorruptGrass
  • Ash
  • ClayBlock
  • Stone
  • Ebonsand
  • Ebonstone
  • Silt
  • Pearlsand
  • Pearlstone
  • Slush
  • GraniteBlock
  • HardenedSand
If you feel like there should be blocks added or removed from this list or perhaps ones I just missed, feel free to let me know with an explanation on why you think it should.

It's found on TModLoader, but you can also get it here manually:
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Is it possible to make this a whitelist system? I'm unsure of the mod configuration capabilities, but I was looking to do a furniture/platform run only.
and for "hurt" is it possible to have it actually set the player on fire and give the same damage as lava?
In any case thanks for the mod in its current state. I've been mauling on what to do for my first challenge run, since in my 2.5k of steam playtime I've only done single class challenges.
Cheers mate.
A whitelist or blacklist should be possible, but keep in mind there's like 500 types of items to go through, so me just doing a (hardcoded) blacklist of the natural blocks you find was just a quick and dirty way. Not to mention it might be weird or obnoxious to have tables everywhere, but it still might be interesting way to play.
Perhaps if someone comes up with the list of numbers I could maybe update the code to pull the numbers from a textfile while I'm at it.
You can see them here: Tile IDs
Dressers for instance are '88', there's other types like '88 (2)' but only '88' would be needed.

For the damage. I kind of just played around, but admittedly with just a character with 100 hp for testing. Was the reason you wanted it to be more like lava damage was so it killed faster/slower? Or maybe so you could use lava potions? Or was there kind of a game-breaking issue, like where you could negate the damage through armor or something? Admittedly I kind of threw this mod together in about a day so the testing wasn't all that thorough.
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Wow, thanks mate for the response, yeah I know there's a lot of tile ID's but I wouldn't mind having a whitelist option and just manually adding them, it would also allow me to filter for modded tiles too, so I could run calamity death with the floor is lava, and see whether I could even get up to king slime within 2 weeks of quarantine haha.

For the setting aflame thing, it was more just so the floor is lava, makes the floor lava, but I'd have to self impose against potions negating the effect, as that spoils the fun.
preferably being ground-bound would set the user aflame, and contact damage would end in the death of a 100hp toon in about 5 seconds, but maybe a config option to set damage taken per second? It's your mod and I already enjoy it in its current state, these are just things that would appeal to my idea of a playthrough and in no way represent what the vast majority of users would be wanting.
Cheers again mate.
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