Items Fractal Prism


An item post moon lord, more like a joke, a very expensive one, that is a upgraded version of the Last Prism.
It "summons" 8 Prisms around the player that each one have different elements; In five seconds all prisms come to a same direction (the direction that is the cursor looking at)
Mana cost: 20/s
Damage: 250/s each laser 2000/s all together
All shot at the same time.
The last prism
50 each celestial fragment (The magic element)
50 clorophite and luminite (The natural and celestial (or laser) element)
100 Ectoplasm (Ghostly element)
100 of the destructor's soul (mechanic element)
50 souls of night (corruption/crimson element)
50 souls of light (blessed element)
5 Frost cores (blizzard element)
All come together, liberate a huge power that can destroy every form of life.
(I know it's too expensive, I said that it can be the "typical" OP joke item)

The Last Prism is already so powerful (especially with how incredibly broken Nebula Armor is.) That I feel like it's almost impossible to upgrade it without breaking the game.
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