Hello terrarian!

Mr. Sticker

Hi my name is Mr. Sticker, to start I only have the PC and Mobile versions of Terraria! My favorite armor is the solar armor set. My favorite weapon is the Star Wrath and the Rainbow crystal Staff. Favorite pet is suspicious looking eye. My favorite boss is the Eater of Worlds. My favorite event is the Solar Eclipse. My favorite world evil is the Corruption. My favorite things to do is fighting bosses.
The first time I played terraria in on my phone, and the first Boss I faced was the King of the Slimes. See I was going to kill the Dungeon Guardian with my enchanted sword, ya know, like the noob I was, anyways so I was half way there and then he spawned, I wasn't ready for this but I fought him. I got him to VEARY low health annnnnd died. And when I respawned and Eye of Cthulhu spawned and died again. So ya, things were going great. So about the enchanted sword... I just finished my first house, and it was a wood square. Ya know, all any normal terrarian house. So it was night and like I always do, I dig straight down, in the middle of my dirt floor. And my first cave was as big as the dungeon if not bigger, anyways I was exploring the new cave, not far in if found a shrine. There not like desktop shrines that has a lake with an island in the middle of the lake, no it's just sitting there where ever. So I took it and went back home.
Welcome, Mr. Sticker, You clearly have a similar building style to mine. I hope you enjoy your time with us.
Hello, Mr. Sticker! Welcome to the forums! You seem to enjoy the adventures. Fighting boss and die because of it, again and all over again, that is kinda like me.
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