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  • Yikiyaqa
    3 cosas:
    1. ¿Te refieres a esto?
    2. No creo que deba reírme...
    3.Yo dije Pinochet, no Piñera XD.
    Me refería a la muerte de Pinochet en 2006. Pinochet tenía la costumbre de arrojar a sus enemigos políticos desde helicópteros sobre la selva. Esa costumbre murió con él.
    Poor sleep makes me make poor choices

    And in itself, poor sleep is a poor choice

    I feel like getting enough sleep could give me so much more brain power to work with when I am awake
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    And contrary to popular belief, you cannot catch up on lost sleep. Once sleep is lost, the damage is done. Contrary to popular belief again, sleep deprivation doesn't take days to set in. Merely a 24hr time span where you get ~6hr of sleep.
    Sorry for the spam, but I'd also like to respond to @zenithspeed

    4-5hr isn't good, but it's better than 3-4hr. The recommended amount of sleep for an adult human is 7-9hr within a 24hr time span, but that Requirement increases based on age. That is the minimum, but the younger you are, the higher the minim is. For example, children require approximately 9-12hr of sleep depending on age.
    yeah ik that humans need more sleep the younger they are
    i'd assume a 16yo like me would need 8-9 hours since 8 hours seem to be the "average" or "gold standard" that everyone always mentions which probably aligns with young to mid adults
    What's the point of recommending the Sergeant United Shield for Summoners against Duke Fishron?


    And for some reason, ranged and mage are better off without it?
    Time you spend shielding is time you could use whipping
    Russ Guss Doodles
    Russ Guss Doodles
    Russ Guss Doodles
    Russ Guss Doodles
    The strategy has since become outdated and was removed a while ago, but for some reason the weapon was never removed from that section. I'll go remove it from the list of Summoner weapons right now.
    You can always find some jank by scrolling Wiki Guides

    It recommended Falcon Blade for the Wall of Flesh before 1.4.4 (I believe)

    Anyhow, the Shield is a Melee, not a Summoning weapon - it does not belong in any category outside of Melee
    I miss part of mature discussions

    The conflict and debate was okay to go, but there was a very humanising part to that section that just doesn't fit today

    Sharing struggles and more serious parts of someone's life went a long way to showing struggle in people's lives, and to talk about it constructively and gently was very sweet

    It just helped show that the community was made of people

    A moment in time, eh?
    Maybe it isn’t so far fetched to think people often just don’t stay in the right circles or just are plain unlucky enough.

    Though it’s probably inevitable that good and bad arises from giving a good fraction of the human population the ability to exert their will in some way, shape, or form.
    Ye olde TCF was the golden age with a lot of high-effort suggestions, warm interactions and it definitely showed that the C in TCF was absolutely beautiful. Can't replicate that feeling nowadays, since all the old regulars have gone on with their lives.
    2022 was probably the peak of it, or at least the last year of it

    Since then it seems the Forum is decaying, losing some connection as a community with each wedge driven between a personal connection

    Although the Forum and Terraria itself will probably live on for a long time, come 1.4.5 there may be another eruption
    Returning to the current day from a hiatus, so many people have since changed their names :sigh:

    I have to do some detective work to figure out who's who :pumpking:

    On a different note I feel inspired to go play Breath of the Wild
    I have spent at least 10 hours in my Terraria world building a village for NPCs and other amenities, more and more keep joining and prolonging the build

    Will I ever get to fighting the Eye of Cthulhu? Am I even playing the game in this limbo?
    Playing an instrument is a test of mental fortitude - it feels like your own hands are working against you!

    If only I could get some more of that patience...
    I kept wondering what your PFP was, and only now here on your profile I've figured it out; it's Specter Knight. Pretty neat, by the way! 👍
    TechionPrime41 🌳
    TechionPrime41 🌳
    Good point. On the other hand, Plague Knight's moveset was torture.
    I can imagine, having to cook up crystal meth in the middle of a boss fight would be boggling
    I keep seeing Red from that one Undertale fangame in your pfp.
    Glass-Cannon setups are the realest Terraria gets
    If Ranger weapons got a bit of a buff where they could fit a purpose better than the Tsunami it'd be more fun, like a flamethrower being supreme at crowd control, shotguns doing large damage up close, bows with different firing patterns. Currently a Tsunami covers all of those functions
    Mecha_Twitchy 🎧🎵
    Mecha_Twitchy 🎧🎵
    I think that you've just not varied you playstyle enough
    because I've had a LOT of fun with shotguns, crossbows, etc
    SaltyDog Café
    SaltyDog Café
    What I did was basically create a character for every possible setup and force myself to finish the game with each of them.
    In a year's time I wonder how different the TCF landscape would be

    Many accounts that have been largely active in the past lie dormant, and as time goes on more will

    One day the whole internet will be more dead than alive
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    People like to stick to how it used to be in the past, but that way you won't accept what the current and the future holds to offer.

    Over time, change is inevitable, and that's for the better.
    I know I'll stick around unless something unexpected occurs.:p
    I still live on, even if im not active, ill always return, just like the transformers after these messages.
    If I became a staff member there would be a lot of threads on the chopping block,

    Many duplicate threads, some pointless ones and others which are not so nice

    Those without the power notice the most corruption
    The current staff does quite a lot
    they notice a lot of the dupe threads and merge them
    and which threads are these not nice ones>
    Me on the other hand would be far too lenient. T_T
    Threads everywhere getting derailed, multiple posts in a row…
    The clouds form above as an impenetrable cage from the outside world

    I wonder if everyone else is alright
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