Hey! I'm new here, but Ask Me Anything!


Perusing the forums here, I haven't seen the toxicity that alot of gaming communities have. So I figure this is a pretty good way to get acquainted with some of you! Questions can range anywhere from Terraria to irl interests. Really, just don't get creepy or gross, and we'll be just fine. :dryadhappy:
Well, I'll start off with a common question for you, why did you join TCF? Was it because of a friend requested it, or were you like me and simply joined for the heck of it?
Well, I'll start off with a common question for you, why did you join TCF? Was it because of a friend requested it, or were you like me and simply joined for the heck of it?
I absolutely love Terraria and end up here due to searching for strategies and things, like, alot. The community always seemed nice, helpful, and funny - so I randomly decided to dive in this morning lol!
That reply was referring to your answer of my question.

I am not sure how I reply your answer before you answer.
Yeah, I accidently tapped the reply above the text field. So instead of continuing to reply to you, I quoted my last answer, and replied a new answer...:dryadconfused:
Once I saw it I edited and fixed it, but you had already started your reply I think lol%:sigh:
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