PC How to find Plantera's Bulb?

Instead of looking for it, try doing something else in the vicinity. Since it needs a clear stretch of mud to spawn, and since the jungle is a superb source of bait, why not clear jungle plants while netting the buggies and sluggies and such?

You could also dig horizontal tunnels to increase the growing surface while stocking up on lovely blocks o' mud.

Oh, and maybe listen to some Pantera.

Good luck!
Instead of looking for it, try doing something else in the vicinity. Since it needs a clear stretch of mud to spawn, and since the jungle is a superb source of bait, why not clear jungle plants while netting the buggies and sluggies and such?

You could also dig horizontal tunnels to increase the growing surface while stocking up on lovely blocks o' mud.

Oh, and maybe listen to some Pantera.

Good luck!
Farming for the bulb does seem more efficient. Thank you, this should save me some time.
I hope so! It's worked for me. Got my tail handed to me on a silver platter three times before beating the hothouse horror.
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