How to open a chest on mac


I know this is a stupid question but how do you open a chest on the mac? I tried the control click to no avail. Thanks for releasing the game on mac.
When I posted this I thought it was just me, but I think it may be a bug? I had my son try to figure it out and he is a good gamer, but could not. He said "wait for an update" ouch!
If you have the pad mouse controls, it should just be clicking with two fingers at the same time.
If you have a mouse, just right click. You'll have to have the mouse hovering over the chest.
That does not work. I had terraria for PC then I got a Mac. I think there is a bug with the Mac.
I have no trouble right-clicking to open chests using the beta on MacBook Pro with a Microsoft Arc Touch mouse.

Two questions. Are you running the Mac beta of Terraria, or the Windows version under Parallels or some such? And have you reversed the mouse buttons so that the right button is primary (left-handed arrangement)?
I have a new iMac and I am using the beta. My mouse has no right button. I would usually just use control button then click the mouse to right click like a pc.
Don't know how to deal with a one-button mouse, sorry. My pointing devices tend to bristle with clickable gizzies. :dryadsmile: I recommend joining the beta social group if you haven't done, and asking in that sub-forum.
I got this, guys, I got this.
Go to System Preferences. It should be on the toolbar on the bottom. Go to mouse preferences, and you'll find an option that enables right-click if you click on the right side of the mouse.
@ekool Here's your answer.
I don't really own a mac, but isn't the default setting "left click" on both mouse keys/sides ? So what if you change the right one to actual "right click" ?
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